Dear ASHHRA Colleagues,
Health Care Human Resources week is March 12-18. This is a perfect time to recognize your HR staff for the challenging work they do every day. I think we can all agree that as HR professionals, we maneuver through a variety of personnel issues which involve at times complicated circumstances. After all is said and done, those rare moments of thanks are cherished when we hear that we made a difference in someone’s life.
Recognition is a vital component in motivating teams to continue the excellent work they do in their everyday transactions. Taking care of those who take care of others is important in the achievement of our patient outcomes, strategic goals and overall employee engagement.
To help you and your team leaders acknowledge the work that is being achieved in each of your facilities, ASHHRA has developed helpful resources. You can access these resources on, and email your activities to to have them posted. 
Below are some abbreviated events suggested from the ASHHRA Health Care HR Week resources online. You can use these or create your own daily activities. Events can be celebrated on the day that best aligns with the culture and operations of your organization.  
Sunday, March 12: Unique HR Request Day. Share the unique requests you have received (confidentiality honored, of course).
Monday, March 13: Know Your Health Care HR Professional Day. Get the word out on who’s who in HR for your facility.
Tuesday, March 14: Learn Together.  Join the Our Future is Now: The Case for Succession Planning and Development webinar. Gather your team for a learning event. This webinar is free for ASHHRA members.
Wednesday, March 15: Hospital Wellness Day. Have your facility benefit teams talk about wellness opportunities to your facility staff.
Thursday, March 16: Luncheon Celebration. Share a meal with your teams and celebrate the milestone accomplishments you have achieved.
Friday, March 17: Cover-Me-for-Lunch Day. Switch roles with your team for a walk in their shoes.
Saturday, March 18: Career Share Day. Invite your local community to your organization for a career fair. Feature your team and provide networking for individuals interested in career development.

Whatever you do to elevate awareness of your teams, let them know that you understand and appreciate their work world; this is the best way to appreciate their valuable contributions. 

 As I reflect on my years in human resources, the best recognitions I recall are times when we celebrated our teams and set aside our daily stressors, came together as colleagues and thankfully celebrated each other. And, if by chance you are not recognized, remember this quote by Abraham Lincoln: "Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition." 

Here’s to all you do and will continue to do. Thank you for your contributions.
Gary L. Pastore, MSL, CHHR
ASHHRA 2017 President
Director of Human Resources Employee Relations
HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center