Dear ASHHRA Colleagues,

The dog days of summer are upon us! Hopefully that means barbecues, time in the water and preparing for the fall. This fall, there are opportunities for you to become a mentor or mentee, prepare and take the CHHR exam, and join us at the 50th anniversary of ASHHRA conference.

There are exceptional speakers to inspire and educate, new colleagues to meet and old colleagues to connect with once again. Since it is our 50th anniversary, there will also be an extra special evening, sponsored by our great supporters, MetLife. We will be spending a memorable night in the ballroom at Navy Pier. Please come to learn, to share and to celebrate.

See you in September!

Maureen O’Keeffe, SPHR, CHHR
ASHHRA 2014 President
Vice President, Chief Human Resource Officer
St. Luke’s Health System
Boise, Idaho