Dear ASHHRA Colleagues,

Welcome to February and "American Heart Month." During this month, we are reminded to wear red, celebrate a valentine, and overall, pay attention to our heart. Good advice on all accounts. Those of us in HR – especially HR in health care – take it a bit further every day. 

Those of us who remember a bit from high school French recognize the word for heart is cœur. In fact – here’s your trivia fact for the day: The origin of the word courage relates to cœur. Through our everyday efforts, we encourage (to give support, confidence, or hope) others. Simply put: We lift hearts

So, here is my proud-hand-over-my-heart nod to each of you. Thanks for the encouragement you share every day. Thanks, too, for the courage you show as we face the changes in our industry. Our staff and our patients are counting on us. In the immortal words of John Wayne:

"Courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway."

Happy Heart Month!

Maureen O’Keeffe, SPHR, CHHR
ASHHRA 2014 President
Vice President, Chief Human Resource Officer
St. Luke’s Health System
Boise, Idaho