March 2013

As March is here, I am reminded of the possibility of renewal...the beginning of spring; the earth turning bright green; warmer and longer days.

Speaking of renewal—when you receive your membership renewal invoice, don’t put off renewing. If your membership has a lapse, your years of active membership start over from your new reinstate date. Be aware of your renewal date and stay current.

We want to continue to retain and attract the best and brightest HR health care professionals. With your help, we know we can have the best network of members ever! Refer someone who becomes an ASHHRA member and receive a $15 Amazon gift card. Contact ASHHRA for details. What possibilities... new members and some retail therapy!

ASHHRA membership possibilities are endless for us. We have access to so many resources as well as the opportunity to develop as HR health care professionals and master our individual competencies. In February, several ASHHRA leaders had the opportunity to demonstrate the HR competency of Community Citizenship...raising their voices.

Kristen Fox, MBA, SPHR, ASHHRA Board regional director and director of HR at Kadlec Health System in Richalnd, Wash.; and Lee Byrd, SPHR, LALFA, Advocacy Committee member and director of HR at the Masonic Home of Virginia in Richmond, Va., were able to participate in the AHA Advocacy Days in Washington, DC. Many thanks to Kristen and Lee for speaking out and demonstrating Community Citizenship to our elected officials on Capitol Hill on February 13. You can read Lee’s article in this issue of eNews Brief.

Later in the month (February 26), I visited Capitol Hill on the second Advocacy Day. It was a privilege to be able to share the workforce and budget challenges we face every day in health care HR. I was fortunate to be able to meet with Senator Richard Burr’s (R-N.C.) Health Policy Director; a brief hello with Senator Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) and meeting with her legislative assistant; and lastly N.C. Representative Howard Coble’s staff.

It was truly special to be able to have dialogue regarding health care workforce challenges since the greatest portion of health budgets are comprised of labor dollars (about 60 percent). This year, workforce issues will continue to be in focus for all of us. If you have not already done so, take a look at the latest Health Care Labor Report, which shares the outlook for 2013.

Being in DC last month made me even more excited about our Annual Conference. It is hard to believe the conference is only six months away. Save the date for September 28–October 1, 2013, and join me there as we continue our journey to embracing our future thoughtfully and inclusively.

Strength Through Inclusion,

Grace Blair Moffitt
ASHHRA 2013 President
Vice President, Human Resources
Cone Health
Greensboro, N.C.