President's Message - June 2012

June 10th we had a heat advisory in South Texas and spent most of the day at over 100 degrees... in June! The only people enjoying the warm weather were those spending their weekend at the beach or in their swimming pool. That means it’s also swimsuit season. Yikes! This is the time when we look back on the past 12 months and wish we had eaten a little healthier and exercised a little longer on the treadmill. Most of us look in the garage for the bike we haven’t used or the golf clubs in the corner and set our summer resolution to eat healthier and get some outdoor exercise. Improving our health becomes our new motto.

For our three ASHHRA at-large board members, however, a culture of health is a year round activity. Nicole Morin-Scribner, director, Human Resources at St. Mary’s Health System in Lewiston, Maine; Amy Barry, system vice president, Human Resources at Palmetto Health Corporate Offices in Columbia, S.C.; and Paul Morlock, vice president, Human Resources at Stanly Regional Medical Center in Albemarle, N.C., regularly think, breathe, and advocate for a year-round culture of health sponsored by our hospitals and health care organizations. Jeff Payne, former board member and president of ASHHRA, kicked this initiative off by collaborating with the American Hospital Association on a Call for Action: Creating a Culture of Health white paper that was sent to all of our members in January of 2011. Nicole, Amy, and Paul have continued this worthwhile cause. Together with the ASHHRA staff, Ursula Pawlowski, HR membership specialist, and Ferdinand Libunao, marketing and communications specialist, they have created a Wellness Toolkit that is a how-to guide for Creating a Culture of Health. Where do you start? How do you justify any expenses to your administrator? What are best practices? All of this can be found in the first document of the toolkit, Creating a Culture of Health. It is replete with ideas that are actionable and currently in use throughout the country by our HR peers. Plus, the data is all there to support the investment.

The ASHHRA Wellness Toolkit also includes how to plan a health awareness day, health week events, and a health and wellness calendar. There are also white papers on Building Strong, Mutual Respectful Relationships with Employees, Building Work Environments that Engage, and Put Employee Wellness Front and Center. The articles are rounded out by more articles on Driving a Culture of Health and An Unhealthy Workforce: Solving America’s Health Care Crisis Starts with Health Care Workers. Even if you think it’s been tried before, check out the toolkit. You’ll be amazed at what your peers are accomplishing in the area of health and wellness.

What are your plans for September? Are you ready to build a culture of health in your organization? If your answer is yes then you need to make plans to attend the ASHHRA Annual Conference in Denver. Come and meet Nicole, Amy, and Paul. Let them introduce you to the world of wellness and all the great activities you can host for your employees. Begin your wellness journey with ASHHRA. Join us in Denver from September 22-25. Hope to see you there!!!

Leading People Through Change,

Irma L. Pye, SPHR
ASHHRA 2012 President
Senior Vice President & CHRO
Valley Baptist Health System
Harlingen, Texas