Hello, ASHHRA Members:

By now, for those of you who, like me, are on an October fiscal year, you're deeply enmeshed in the fiscal year 2011 budget preparation. And it's likely you're finding it a challenging, and in some cases, a daunting proposition.

Two of the largest components of any budget, labor and benefits, land right at HR's feet as our organizations struggle for answers and strategies. Often we in HR can only offer blank looks in response to their questions. Well, take heart! ASHHRA continues to be the source of health care HR information and connection for you, equipping you with vital information for you and your organization.

And the capstone of all of the ASHHRA knowledge and community is just around the corner, at our annual conference and exposition this September in Tampa, Florida. Tap into ASHHRA for answers you need today... and tap into the ASHHRA conference in September for the answers you'll need for tomorrow.

Jeff Payne, SPHR
Vice President, Human Resources
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
1324 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Lakeland, FL 33805-4500
P: 863-687-1045
F: 863-284-1971
