ASHHRA Health and Wellness Pulse

American Society for Health Care Human Resources Administration

Benefit Trends
World at Work

As medical costs rise, workers are placing an added value on the health benefits they receive from their employer. According to a recent survey, 76% of workers ranked health care in their top three priorities when considering workplace benefits. Out of 11 popular employee benefits, 40% of employees chose health care as the most important benefit when considering switching jobs or staying with their current employer. 

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Benefits Pro

According to a new survey, people often spend more on pet health care than their own health care. Twenty-four percent of the 1,000 pet owners polled by LendEDU have gone into credit card or personal loan debt as a result of health/vet costs for their pet and 46% said they spend the same or more on their pet’s health care than their own.

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The total cost of worker health benefits is expected to top $15,000 per employee in 2020, according to a survey of nearly 150 of the nation’s largest employers.

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Workplace Programs & Perks

More people than ever are working from home, according to a recent survey that revealed 70% of professionals telecommute at least one day a week. But with less in-person interaction, how can HR professionals engage employees in company culture?

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Yahoo Finance

In today's competitive job market, attracting talent can be a challenge. Millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce, so it pays to cater to younger workers' unique needs, such as helping them dig out of student debt.

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Workplace Wellness
Corporate Wellness Magazine

Workplace health and wellness programs are increasing in the U.S., with nearly half of all workplaces offering some level of health promotion or wellness programs. When employees are engaged in a workplace wellness program over several years, they are likely to see even more health benefits.

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Work-Life Integration
Harvard Business Review

Flexibility does not always translate into better work-life balance. Remote workers often experience high work intensity and reduced autonomy due to their ability to communicate with colleagues through their devices at any time. This constant connectivity can blur the boundaries between work and non-work activities.

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Purchasing Power, LLC
Mental Health
HR Dive
To truly combat burnout, leaders must create a culture in which employees feel encouraged to speak up about and advocate for their wellness, according to experts.

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Modern Healthcare
A Modern Healthcare survey that found 26% of those surveyed experienced workplace sexual harassment and about 32% have experienced gender discrimination. The survey also found many organizations ignore the problem. Of the respondents who experienced harassment or discrimination, 35% said no action was taken when they reported it to their employer.  

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