January 2013

Dear Health Care Executives:

I would like to set a challenge out there for all of you. Early last year, I began to read reports that we were sitting way too much as a society and that it was contributing to the obesity crisis. Even if we work out every day, the amount of sitting we do is not good for us. In trying to be a good steward of health and wellness, I took this to heart and started standing at my desk on a daily basis. I saw three things happen; one, my thought process was different, possibly more creative; two, I had a much higher energy level at the end of the day; and finally, my cholesterol level was significantly lower as stated by our wellness coach—she had never seen anyone with cholesterol that low.

So having said that, I challenge each of you to start standing throughout the day. Even if it is only while you are on the phone—try to get out there and move around. Visit staff instead of calling them. Try to get in at least four hours of standing or moving every day. Now I will admit there are days I need a moment to sit, but for the most part I try to remind myself that I need to keep moving and active in order to stay healthy.

This edition of the Benefits and Wellness Bulletin (BWB) will inspire you and your employees to stay motivated and save benefit claim dollars along the way. This edition will also provide new ways to inspire and invigorate your thought process and possibly save you dollars in all of your organizations as it pertains to wellness and benefits. You can even read this edition of the BWB on your smartphone while on a treadmill—to learn more, click here. We are here to help inspire you and your employees around improving your life and wellbeing.

ASHHRA appreciates your dedication to health care, and we will continue to improve in assisting you in the way you do your work. Please feel free to email me at sdrake@aha.org for any reason—we are here to serve you, our valued members.


Stephanie H. Drake
ASHHRA Executive Director