September 2012

Dear Health Care Executives:

For many of you it is open enrollment time again. You are probably inundated with a plethora of questions around changes to benefit offerings and helping employees to best understand how to utilize their benefits to aid in their daily lives. In this edition of the ASHHRA Benefits and Wellness Bulletin (BWB), we provide a spotlight on concepts that will work for you and your organizations, improving the life and the wellbeing of you and your employees.

As a professional society we will continue these efforts each month. If you find something of interest here, then we have done our jobs. We hope that you find we inspire you to think out of the box and continue to serve your employees, thus enhancing the patient experience.

ASHHRA promises that we will continue to focus on being your trusted and dependable resource, offering quality services that help you develop in your health care HR role. We want each of you to feel that by joining ASHHRA you have made a wise investment in your dollars.

ASHHRA appreciates your dedication to the health care human resource profession, and we will continue to improve in assisting you in the way you do your work. Please feel free to email me at for any reason — we are here to serve you, our valued members.

Stephanie H. Drake
ASHHRA Executive Director