ASHHRA eNews Pulse
ASHHRA eNews Pulse: October 2023
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023  |  1:00 p.m. CT (2:00 p.m. ET) | FREE
Join this webinar where presenters tackle the persistent issue of healthcare staffing shortages. Explore key topics, including strategies for managing a workforce in shortage, accommodating generational differences in flexibility, using data for effective planning, and assessing the value of transformative efforts.
Sponsored by: QGenda
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023  |  1:00 p.m. CT (2:00 p.m. ET) | FREE
Don't miss our upcoming webinar featuring Texas Children’s Hospital experts discussing healthcare recruiting and onboarding best practices, including unique challenges and the impact of digital trends. Join us for valuable insights into balancing compliance and employee experience in healthcare talent acquisition.
Sponsored by: EverCheck

Reader Poll

45 episodes of the binge-worthy ASHHRA Podcast with Bo & Luke have been released since launching earlier this year. How many have you listened to?

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Naylor Association Solutions
American Medical Technologists
Naylor Association Solutions
Industry News
Healthcare Dive
Women physicians, less tenured clinicians and those working in primary care were more likely to report higher levels of burnout, according to research published in JAMA Network Open.
Healthcare Finance
Artificial intelligence is poised to transform healthcare in a number of ways. There are a lot of expectations being placed on the technology, and in some cases it can deliver. But because those applications are so disparate and wide-ranging, it can be a complex landscape for healthcare leaders, who want to remain on the forefront of technological progress while applying the tech in an ethical manner. 
American Hospital Association
The AHA and its Physician Alliance offer a guide to help hospital and health system leaders prioritize and support a robust succession planning program for their organization, based on challenges and opportunities identified by their peers.
Becker's Hospital Review
Hospitals and health systems have reported outsourcing IT jobs in a move to reduce operating costs and allow their former employees to retain jobs, but will this be a new norm for healthcare organizations?
Healthcare Brew
Staffing shortages have rocked the healthcare industry in recent years. For nursing homes, which have struggled with staffing levels long before Covid-19 ravaged long-term care facilities, those departures have hit especially hard.
American Hospital Association
John Riggi, AHA’s national advisor for cybersecurity and risk, reviews key takeaways and insights from a recent AHA webinar on the importance of cyber preparedness.
Health Data Management
Leveraging technology can enable organizations to obtain transformational benefits to enable remote care, continuous monitoring and enhanced patient engagement.
HR Dive
Studies show that not only is there a gap in employee understanding of benefits, but workers may be pursuing or receiving more information on the subject ineffectively. According to a MetLife study on employee benefits trends, 44% of workers didn’t consult anyone when they enrolled in benefits last year.
Healthcare Dive
As more contracts covering workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic come up for expiration, nurses, technicians and other staff are pushing for measures to improve working conditions.
Some of the country’s top Medicare experts aren’t sold on a new Biden administration plan to enforce stricter staffing requirements in nursing homes.