ASHHRA Daily pulse
Oct. 1, 2019
Get Ready for ASHHRA24
With the end of ASHHRA19 comes your time to act as a change agent. Here are four ideas you can implement to maximize your conference experience:
1. Access learning session slides. Available on the mobile app, you can use these as road maps to create an action plan, and download the slides to the sessions you couldn’t attend.
2. Create an action plan. After reviewing notes and the available slides, create a plan that puts your conference takeaways into action. Start with one idea, or decide to make one change, then make it happen. After that small victory, you’ll be more motivated to continue down the path to change.
3. Follow up with those you met. Connect on LinkedIn, send an encouraging email, drop a line to say hello, say ‘thank you’ to someone — nurture the relationships that you created.
4. Stay connected! Keep sharing ideas and making connections through the conference mobile app. If you’re a member, continue the conversation on the ASHHRA Exchange. Whatever platform you use to stay connected, challenge each other to innovate and transform.
All attendees received an email last week with the 2019 Conference Survey. Attendance codes for CHHR, SHRM, HRCI and ACHE will be available on the last page of the survey. Your feedback is critical as we plan future ASHHRA conferences including ASHHRA20 in Denver, Aug. 22-25.
Stay connected to your health care HR community throughout the year by joining ASHHRA. Members have access to exclusive resources including the ASHHRA Exchange discussion forum, HR Pulse magazine, CHHR Scholarships, discounted education and much more. Build on your ASHHRA19 skills and connections. Become an ASHHRA member today!
UPMC  Health Plan
From the Exhibit Hall
If you took advantage of the TIAA Headshot Lounge in the exhibit hall, you are now able to download your headshots online later this week. Please note: Full-resolution images are available for download FREE of charge, so no need to purchase unless you are buying a PRINT copy.
We want to extend a sincere thank you to our sponsors, exhibitors and business partners for another great year in the Exposition Hall. We couldn't do any of this without their support, and their commitment to ASHHRA and its members made the ASHHRA 55th Annual Conference & Exposition an experience to remember.
You can find a list of all the ASHHRA19 exhibitors and sponsors in the mobile app. Be sure to follow up with the people you met in Chicago.
Array Enterprises, Inc.
Make the Most of ASHHRA24

The ASHHRA19 Resource Center is available online for you to purchase valuable books and resources featured at this year’s conference, including The Good Stuff by closing keynote speaker Christine Cashen, Patients Come Second by Dr. Britt Berrett and many more. Visit the online ASHHRA19 Resource Center.

ASHHRA.org is now an even better resource for health care HR leaders. Fully equipped with on-demand webinars, conference sessions, courses, HR Pulse articles and more, the Resource Library will help you stay current, connected and equipped to manage the demands of your job.
Omaha Steaks
UPMC  Health Plan
Explore the Solutions Center

Join your health care HR community in Denver at ASHHRA20. Sign up and we'll notify you when ASHHRA20 registration launches.




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