Florida Landscapes eBrief
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February 2015 In This Issue
Member News
L. M. Scofield Company
Florida Association of Native Nurseries
Dig Plant Co
Member News
Growing up in Syracuse, NY in the 1980s, being a landscape architect was not something my friends and I aspired to or even knew what the profession truly was. While exploring colleges, I was focused on architecture, when my uncle suggested landscape architecture. After attending a recruitment event at Syracuse University, I came up with, a then "logical" thought... "If you build a building and the foundation fails you're in big trouble but if you mis-plant a tree in a park no one will notice." Of course years later I better understood my misplaced logic, but it was my 16 year old self that set the course for my career.
I would like to personally challenge everyone on our ExCom to contribute to this worthy endeavor. It’s easy! They take credit cards and it is over 3 years. So while Curt is looking for 100% BOT (Board of Trustee) participation, I am looking for 100% FLASLA ExCom participation!
Welcome to the 14th piece of my Trustee report series, where I share a few notes and items from our national organization over the last month or so. Remind people who may have lapsed in their membership to rejoin and that payment options are available. Please feel free to contact me at Trustee@FLASLA.org if you have any questions or concerns about ASLA issues.
The FLASLA Government Affairs Committee is actively monitoring legislation in both the Senate and House regarding this voter approved amendment to the Florida Constitution.  While the Chapter has not taken a formal position on any of the proposed bills or policies, the GAC does recommend that individual members provide their personal comments/concerns regarding this legislation to the Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee through its website http://www.flsenate.gov/Media/Topics/wlc.
So what does the title of this update #iAdvocate have to do with governmental affairs? Historically governmental affairs has had its work cut out for it by having to defend our licensure, to stand up against attempts at deregulation and work tirelessly at removing the barriers of practice. This year we are hoping to do more, to truly get out and advocate for our profession and become more visible in our communities.
Landscape professionals from all over Palm Beach County came out to Baron Sign Manufacturing in Riviera Beach to learn how signs are made at the February Section Event for the Palm Beach/Treasure Coast Section of Florida ASLA. Attendees had the opportunity to tour the 40,000 square foot manufacturing facility.


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