ADCI Underwater Today
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Fisk Marine Insurance International, LLC
The National Transportation Safety Board says a lack of continues monitoring was at issue in a shipyard fire at the Allied Shipyard in Larose, Louisiana last April.
There is widespread recognition that cybersecurity vulnerabilities make the maritime transportation system a soft target. For example, about 10 years ago, a European Union study found “inadequate preparedness regarding cyber risks” in the maritime sector. 
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy varies widely by occupation, and construction workers are the most hesitant to get vaccinated, according to a study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.
Teledyne Marine Systems USA
 Maersk reported an “exceptionally strong” first quarter, with the company benefitting from strong pandemic-fueled demand and significant disruptions in global supply chains. Strong earnings and growth momentum was reported across all its businesses spanning ocean, port services and logistics.
SURVEY: Proposed Revisions for the ADCI International Consensus for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations 6.5
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ADCI and its members accomplished a number of things last year despite an abundance of challenges. This trend is set to continue into 2021, and Phil Newsum is here to explain what you can expect from ADCI in the next year.
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Dive Commercial International, Inc.
Simpson Strong-Tie
Denso North America Inc.
Egyptian authorities have impounded the hulking Ever Given, which blocked the Suez Canal for nearly a week in March, halting billions of dollars in maritime commerce.
Dutch oil & gas exploration and production operating company ONE-Dyas plans to power a platform at a North Sea gas extraction field solely by the electricity from the Riffgat offshore wind farm in the German part of the North Sea.
Ocean Technology Systems
A prototype project for a new concept in floating wind technology is preparing to launch in the Canary Islands. The developers of the technology, X1 Wind, believe that it can significantly enhance the performance of floating wind producing cost competitive energy.
The new valve leverages field-proven technology to address operational requirements for efficient topside chemical dosing.
PGS is seeing an upturn in demand for offshore geophysical services, supported by oil companies reactivating work programs deferred last year.
From the Pages of Underwater Magazine
The concept of a hyperbaric ambulance (an ambulance that could operate conventionally in transport of patient at one atmosphere to earn its keep in a fleet of regular EMS ambulances but that could switch and select in instances to hyperbaric oxygen mode for patient transport) has the potential to sit as a center post and a rich composite of capability seated in New Orleans.
Saab Seaeye Ltd



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