July 1, 2013 Archive/Subscribe Send to a Friend Advertise Join ADCI
The following items of information are provided to bring your attention to recent industry developments, initiatives, or safety notices.

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) issued a press notice stating that 16 diving deaths were reported in the UK during 2012, the highest number in eleven years.  Of the 177 incidents reported, the most common was decompression illness.  Divers should make sure that that they are adequately qualified and experienced for the diving they plan to undertake and that a dive be fully planned beforehand.

For more information, please follow the links below:

Maritime & Coastguard Press Release - June 27, 2013

MaritimeLink.com - June 27, 2013


This Information was sent to further the communication of all industry stakeholders. Safety is the primary concern of the ADCI. Remember: a real-time Job Hazard Analysis is important, but nothing can replace good common sense.


Phil Newsum
Association of Diving Contractors International


5206 FM 1960 West, Ste. 202 | Houston, TX 77069
Phone: (281) 893-8388 | Fax: (281) 893-5118

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