The latest issue of Centerlines, ACI-NA’s flagship magazine is here! Each topic and article was carefully selected to position 2018 annual conference attendees ahead of the curve. Read the articles below or stop by registration to pick up a copy!

Cheers to 70 Years: The Best Is Yet to Come: 2018 represents a great milestone for ACI-NA. Anniversaries like this provide a great opportunity to reflect on our past, celebrate our present, and look ahead to the future.

Finding a Seat at the Slots Table: Many airports around the world are designated as constrained with slot controls. In "Finding a Seat at the Slots Table," we took a look at the processes officials contend with at slot-controlled airports through interviews with airport directors.

Airports Seek New Efficiencies to Go with the Flow: Through collaboration with agencies and business partners and exploring innovative trends, North American airports are making sure they can be competitive on a global scale by working to streamline the passenger experience.

What’s on Trend for 2019?: Learning about new trends from our membership is what drives content for educational sessions at our 20+ conferences. Take a dive into the future developments for two of ACI-NA’s Platinum Plus members, in concessions and transportation.