Check out the full 2018 ACI-NA Annual Conference and Exhibition agenda on the Mobile App. 

The Long and Winding Last Mile: Improving Airport Ground Access
Even small airports can generate millions of vehicle trips per year. Private vehicles that drop-off and pick-up passengers, public transportation vehicles, for hire vehicles, delivery & services vehicles, employees, large trucks serving cargo facilities & integrators…the list goes on. These trips impact roads and transit systems between homes, offices, hotels and other originating or destination points in the airport catchment area. The closer to the airport, the higher the concentration of airport-related vehicles on the surface transportation system. More and more often the volume of traffic on roadways serving the airport is becoming greater than the capacity of the system. Come hear how three airports are working to unwind the last mile/kilometer by improving access and reducing the stress of getting to the plane on time. 

Rightsizing Airport Infrastructure for Future Success
Evolving airline strategies have led to significant changes in passenger traffic for many airports in the United States and Canada, resulting in operational and financial challenges. Learn how airports are successfully responding to the ups and downs of the industry by revising their capital improvement plans, redesigning their facilities and revising their financial plans to serve their passengers and communities today and in the future. 

Airport Regulatory Forum
Join us for this perennial Annual Conference favorite, which provides you with the opportunity to interact face-to-face with senior officials from both Transport Canada and the FAA. In this year’s session we will be discussing ongoing regulatory reform efforts from both agencies, key environmental and policy initiatives, and airport funding. Bring your questions and concerns for an engaging and informative discussion.

North American Aviation Security Update
In order to address evolving security threats, close coordination with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Canadian agencies is essential. Collaboration between agencies and industry is critical when developing new risk-based policies and in deploying technology designed to increase security effectiveness and efficiency. Don’t miss this opportunity to talk directly with senior TSA and Transport Canada representatives about strategies to enhance the security of the aviation system.