November 2013, Vol.7 , No.11
Recently passed ethics reform legislation goes into effect Jan. 1, 2014. If you are unsure of the process for filing your campaign and finance disclosure reports, then the ACCG Ethics Webinar is for you! Join Associate Legislative Director Shaun Adams and Executive Secretary of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission Holly LaBerge on Nov. 13 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. to learn everything you need to know when this law goes into effect!

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Counties now have until Dec. 15 to qualify for the $100 discount on their county's courthouse canvas. In addition, Newington Photography has created a website,, specifically for counties to easily view the courthouse photos and order a canvas or framed prints. Contact your county clerk to place your order today!

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On Nov. 18, ACCG will host a webinar on the new immigration reporting requirements and reporting system from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. ACCG will provide an overview of the reporting requirements and the Department of Audits and Accounts (DOAA) will explain how to use the new system and how to submit the report. The new immigration reporting system will be available on the DOAA website Dec. 1, and the deadline to file is Dec. 31.

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In preparation for the immigration report due on Dec. 31, the Department of Audits and Accounts is providing resources to help county staff understand how to use the new reporting system. The DOAA now only accepts reports through its online reporting system. These resources will help ensure your county is prepared for report submission.

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ACCG is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the 2014 ACCG Awards. As in the past, there are two categories, with multiple awards, in which counties may place their nominations: ACCG Leadership Awards and ACCG Partnership and Advocacy Awards. All nominations must be received by Dec. 31, 2013. Submit your nomination today!

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The 2014 Capitol Connection Conference is scheduled for Feb. 3-4, 2014, at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta/Fulton County. This conference connects the courthouse and the statehouse by providing county officials an opportunity to interact with legislators and other state leaders as they discuss what is in store for the upcoming legislative session. In addition, commissioners will be able to complete training courses in the ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy as well as attend continuing education sessions.

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ACCG has recently announced a new partnership with FacilityDude, a provider of web-based facility management tools. ACCG and FacilityDude will host a webinar on Nov. 21, 2013 from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. to help launch this new partnership. The webinar will also introduce counties to the unique services that FacilityDude provides and inform counties how FacilityDude can assist them run more efficiently and effectively.

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As we head into the legislative session, ACCG wants to update the list of county legislative coordinators (CLC's). CLC's are responsible for helping to keep their county commissioners updated on legislation of importance to counties and provide county-specific information to ACCG, as requested, to help legislators assess the impact of proposed legislation. ACCG asks that you designate, update or confirm your CLC today!

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The Governor's Office for Children and Families is calling on county commissioners to nominate their local youth for the Servant's Heart Award. This awards program is in conjunction with First Lady Sandra Deal's volunteerism platform, "With a Servant's Heart." Nominations must be submitted no later than Jan. 2, 2014.

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The University of Georgia’s Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest is seeking entries for the 2014 contest. Sponsored by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, this contest helps food entrepreneurs showcase their products. Georgia-based entrepreneurs can submit as many products as they like. Registration and product runs from Nov. 8, 2013 to Feb. 7, 2014. Finalists will be invited to take part in a final judging and public tasting March 17-18, 2014.

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