Georgia Procurement Registry Requirement Effective July 1

The 2018 Georgia General Assembly passed HB 489, subsequently signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal.

Effective July 1, 2018, any bid or proposal extended by a county, city or board of education for goods and services valued at $10,000 or more, or public works contracts for over $100,000, must also be posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry - at no cost to the local government.

On June 25, the State Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) sent out the attached notice unveiling this Website containing information on the new law; frequently asked questions; how to register for, access and utilize the Georgia Procurement Registry; available training materials; and other assistance. The goal is to aid local governments in complying with this new state requirement.

DOAS has also established a procurement help desk (404-657-6000, or to sign up for future DOAS communications, answer any questions, and provide additional information in this regard.