Nominations Open for ACCG Awards

ACCG is now accepting nominations for the 2016 ACCG Awards & Recognition Program, which serves as a way to recognize the individuals who provide outstanding contributions to their local community. The association also works with the Georgia County Clerks’ Association to present the County Clerk of the Year Award. Recipients may be nominated in the following categories:

Emory Greene Leadership Award (elected officials)
Jerry R. Griffin Excellence in Public Service Award (elected and appointed officials)

County Clerk of the Year Award

The awards serve as a means to honor those actively engaged in their communities and allow ACCG to emphasize the value of leadership. County officials are encouraged to nominate an individual whom they feel best demonstrates, through their selfless actions and dedication to service in the community, what the awards embody. The award recipients will be honored at the 2016 ACCG Annual Conference in Savannah/Chatham County.

Award details and nomination forms are available on the ACCG website. Nominations for all awards must be submitted no later than Friday, March 18, 2016 by 5 p.m. Once forms are completed, they can be mailed to the ACCG office, emailed to ACCG Communications Intern Sierra Hubbard at, or submitted via the online application. Clerk of the Year nominations must be submitted to the Georgia County Clerks’ Association awards selection committee – see the clerks’ application for details.

What’s New to the Nomination Process

As an alternative to the traditional paper application, counties can submit a video nomination for this year’s awards. Video nominations may include more than one person in the county office of the nominee and must still answer the questions on the nomination form. For example, this method may be used if several people in a county commissioner’s office have testimonials about efforts the nominee has made to improve their community. Videos must be no longer than five minutes in length and can be submitted via the online application or as an email attachment.

Additional questions regarding the awards program or the nomination process should be directed to ACCG Communications Intern Sierra Hubbard at or (404) 522-5022 ext.197.