Take Advantage of the Georgia County Internship Program Grant Extension Today!

Take Advantage of the Georgia County Internship Program Grant Extension Today!

The Georgia County Internship Program (GCIP) is currently accepting applications for county internship opportunities. The grant provided by the Department of Labor to fund the GCIP has been extended through June 30, 2011 to fund internship positions in your county for up to a 160 hour internship. To date, over 100 interns statewide have participated in this program. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about county government and for counties to complete projects that they have not had the staff or the ability to complete. For examples of projects that other counties have posted with this program, please visit our website at www.georgiacountyinternships.org.

If you are interested in participating, please submit the application form to ddavis@accg.org. Once this position has been approved, you will receive a grant package detailing the information that you will need to complete in order to be approved for the grant. All applications are subject to approval. Funds will remain available on a first come first serve basis. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Devon Davis at 404-522-5022.
