
U.S. Census Bureau Releases Local Government and County Level Reports

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When most people think about the U.S. Census Bureau, they think of population information. While the Census Bureau does collect, analyze, and create population datasets, they also manage over 130 varied surveys and studies annually, many of which have local government or county level analysis.
Recently, the Census Bureau has released several reports that include local government or county level analysis. A short summary of these reports along with accompanying links is provided below.
2019 State and Local Finance Table
Released on July 1, 2021, the State and Local Finance Table details revenues, expenditures, debt, and cash and security holdings by level of government, including state, local, and state and local figures combined. An overview of this table can be found here. The results by state are found here with Georgia information included in columns BF-BJ.
2019 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Report
Released on June 24, 2021, the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Report (SAHIE) is the only source of single-year estimates of the number of people with health coverage in each county in the United States. County statistics are provided by sex, age groups, and income with state estimates including health insurance coverage data by race and Hispanic origin. The full report can be found here with static and interactive maps and tools available here and here.
2020 Business Application by County
Released on July 1, 2021, the Annual Business Application by County publication provides business application data at a more detailed geographic level than what is published in the monthly or weekly Business Formation Statistics. Additionally, this report adds data for 2020 and provides updates to NAICS codes to the underlying methodology used for previously published annual county counts. A Georgia report by county is located here.  Access to the full report, archived reports, and an interactive map is available here.
A List of All Surveys & Programs is available on the Census Bureau website as well as a calendar of all dataset releases and webinars.

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