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And Enjoy The Benefits!

It's never too late to begin receiving 5% off on your web orders! Your free SignStars® Rewards Club membership is your gateway to savings! It's FREE and EASY to join, so sign up now to save!

After all, as a loyal customer, you deserve a rewards program to enhance your experience. That's where SignStars® comes in.

Ready to get started?

Take a look at our frequently asked questions, and then start your journey by clicking the link below.

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Once you've signed up for SignStars®, you'll automatically see 5% off web product prices (exclusions apply).
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Already a registered user? Enroll by clicking the "Join Now" link below. New to our site? Click the "Create One Now" link below to create your free account and enroll.




Who can join SignStars®?

Do you love signs? Do you help operate a hotel or work at a hospitality management company? Are you a customer? Do you like to save?? If all of these apply, SignStars® is perfect for you—no matter whether you're shopping under a particular brand or on the main flagship web store.

Is there a cost to joining SignStars®?

Good question! Nope, it's 100% free to join the program. However, by signing up, you acknowledge that you may receive occasional marketing emails that contain special promotions just for SignStars® members. Consider it your VIP pass to

How exactly do I sign up for SignStars®?

Signing up for SignStars® is free and easy! If you are already a registered user, you can simply enroll by clicking the "Join Now" link above. If you're new to our site, first click the "Create One Now" link above to create an account, double-check that the "Please enroll me in the SignStars® Rewards Program" box is ticked, and then enroll!

I have an account on one of your brand stores and on itself. Am I still eligible to enroll in the SignStars® Rewards Club?

Yes! You're eligible to join SignStars® no matter whether you have an account on or on one of our brand stores.

How do I see my 5% discount?

Once you've signed up for SignStars® and are logged in to your account, you will automatically see a 5% markdown on all eligible products. Enjoy!

Can I apply the 5% discount to my SignSpec© order?

No, the 5% discount is only available for web orders. Likewise, the 5% off discount can not be combined with other offers.

Is there a minimum purchase amount required to receive the 5% discount?

Nope, as long as you place something in your cart! Once you sign up for SignStars®, you'll notice that the prices are automatically marked down, except for cases in which the product is excluded from the discount.

Which products are excluded from receiving the 5% discount on the website?

The 5% discount applies to the majority of the products on our website. If a product's price is not slashed out with the discounted price, it is therefore excluded from receiving the 5% discount. You may reach out to our customer service team to inquire why a product is excluded, but normally we will exclude our largest products or products with special shipping processes.

Will more benefits be added?

You bet! We like to dazzle and impress our most valued customers. The best way to stay up-to-date on upcoming benefits and promotions is to enroll in SignStars® and subscribe to marketing emails.

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