The Port of Everett Commission unanimously authorized Port CEO Lisa Lefeber to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Kimberly-Clark Corporation for the acquisition of 58 acres of the former mill site for maritime development and 19 acres of tidelands north of the boat launch for river management and public access. The California Coastal Commission has given the Port of San Diego the green light to temporarily install LED lights on four of the bridge’s mid-span piers for information gathering and as part of development of a project description to start environmental review.
Port Manatee senior communications manager, Virginia Zimmermann, is the recipient of The International Propeller Club of the United States’ International Member of the Year award. Zimmermann was selected from among more than 6,000 members throughout the world. The Port of Virginia Board of Commissioners lost an important member of its team with the passing of Commissioner Alan A. Diamonstein. He was chairman of the port’s growth and operations committee and was instrumental in the oversight of the $750 million expansion of the port’s two primary container terminals.
North Carolina Ports has announced a new partnership with Versiant, a leading international provider of managed, professional, software and support services for enterprise IT infrastructure, to help enhance overall connectivity and operational efficiency.