AAPA Updates in Brief

AAPA continues to work behind the scenes on various initiatives that support our members during this unprecedented time. Staff is working remotely and are available via phone, email or virtual meeting to support you. Do not hesitate to reach out to us. We welcome your interaction!

U.S. Government Relations:  The Senate just passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. AAPA staff has been in constant contact with Capitol Hill to ensure that ports are included in this Phase 3 coronavirus bill, and through this work there have seen significant changes that will benefit port authorities. It is expected that this bill will be considered by the House within the next 72 hours, after which it will likely head to President Trump for signature.

While AAPA is still working through this nearly 900-page piece of legislation, it is clear that there are a number of wins that have been secured in this bill. Of course, work remains to be done to ensure that the maritime industry remains strong during this crisis.

In addition, AAPA has been working closely with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to ensure that port workers (as well as workers in the supply chain) are included on the federal list of essential workers. While state and local governments have the jurisdiction to determine shelter in place and lock down policies, the DHS’ list of essential workers informs decisions and provides critical guidance in these state and local jurisdictions so these employees can continue to work.

Staff Contacts: Cary Davis, Evan Chapman and Jim Walker
Grants:  AAPA is working closely with the Department of Labor (DOL) to get our “Closing the Skills Gap” grant up and running. Implementation may be a little slower in light of the current environment; however, AAPA is doing what it can to maintain momentum and begin to stand up apprenticeship opportunities among our partners.

In addition, the DOL announced the availability of $100 Million in Dislocated Worker Grants (DWG). According to the announcement, “disaster Recovery DWGs will provide eligible participants with both disaster-relief employment and employment and training activities. These participants can include dislocated workers, workers who were laid off as a result of the disaster, self-employed individuals who are unemployed or underemployed as a result of the disaster, and long-term unemployed individuals.”

Staff Contact: Mary Beth Long 
Media Relations:  AAPA is actively providing content and accurate port-related information to the media as COVID-19 issues unfold.

Staff Contact: Aaron Ellis
AAPA Training and Professional Development:  All AAPA in-person meetings through the end of May have been cancelled or rescheduled. The AAPA Finance Seminar and Marine Terminal Management Training Program have been rescheduled for the Fall and the AAPA Commissioners Seminar has been cancelled. However, AAPA is looking at ways to provide critical information and content to its members remotely during this time through webinars and conference calls.

Staff Contacts: Renita Gross and Andrew Cameron