Environment: Hamilton

Hamilton: Green Power Coming to Port’s Pier 10

The Hamilton Port Authority (HPA) and Hamilton Utilities Corporation (HUC), through its subsidiary HCE Energy Inc., are collaborating on implantation of an Industrial District Energy System (IDES) on Pier 10 at this port on Lake Ontario.  

The system will include an energy center consisting of a 2-megawatt (MW) natural gas engine that will provide electrical power to the grid, while co-generating hot water and steam to supply port tenant buildings and operations on the Industrial District Energy loop. The objective is to deliver clean, efficient energy to Pier 10 port tenants in a cost competitive manner.

District Energy systems provide energy in the form of steam, hot water, or chilled water from energy centers connected through infrastructure or from a central plant. The connections are made through insulated pipes, which transport energy in the form of heat or chilled water to multiple end users while reducing overall emissions, energy and maintenance costs.

The Pier 10 Energy Centre will be located in an HPA-owned parking lot. The IDES system is envisioned to be the first of many opportunities the partnership will develop on HPA lands in order to enhance the benefits to tenants, the community and various stakeholders. The project will be carried out by HCE Energy Inc.  

"This District Energy initiative is part of the Hamilton Port Authority’s drive to transition the Port of Hamilton into a smart, sustainable transportation and industrial hub," said HPA President & CEO Ian Hamilton. "A port is a network of industries with similar needs; one of them is cost-effective energy. By embracing innovations, we can create a more environmentally sustainable port that benefits both our customers and our community."

The Pier 10 facility will be constructed, commissioned and placed into operation in a staged approach to meet immediate customer requirements. It will be operational by second quarter of 2018.