Community Outreach: Nanaimo

Nanaimo Port Authority and Local University Collaborate to Support Prosperous Community 

The Nanaimo Port Authority and Vancouver Island University (VIU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote collaboration in support the region’s educational, social, environmental and economic prosperity.
The MOU, signed on June 25, 2015, will strengthen the partnership between the two organizations by outlining key objectives for collaboration.

The objectives include developing opportunities for educational and research activities to create enhanced learning opportunities for VIU’s students as well as joint initiatives to enhance the sustainability of the marine environment.

"The MOU with Vancouver Island University provides us a key community partner in the development of the economy and environmental prosperity for Vancouver Island," said Port Authority CEO Bernie A. Dumas. "This agreement also reflects our continued relationship with VIU, an organization that shares the Nanaimo Port Authority’s same vision and respect for our Island — the University is a special partner and mentor for success."