Maritime Economic Development: Greater Baton Rouge, Kalama

Greater Baton Rouge: Stupp Coatings Operating New Facility at the Port

Stupp Coatings, LLC is providing concrete weight pipeline coating services to the oil and gas industry on 24 acres it leases from the Port of Greater Baton Rouge. The site at the port's Inland Rivers Marine Terminal is accessible by rail, truck and barge.

Stupp Coatings' high-capacity plant supplies a fusion bond epoxy, abrasion resistant overlay, and internal flow coatings designed to extend the life of pipeline – and maximize its efficiency. 

In March, Stupp requested a one-year extension on its lease as a result of an additional contract to coat 147,000 feet of 24-inch line pipe. The company estimates that it will coat more than 26,000 tons of pipe at the facility during the next several months. According to the port, 38 local jobs have been created since construction of the facility was initiated.

Corrugated Product Manufacturer Depin Inc. Leases 12,000 Square Feet at Port of Kalama 

Depin Inc., which manufactures a patented corrugated crating product, has leased a 12,000-square-foot site from the Port of Kalama under an agreement that takes effect June 1. The company will commence additional operations there and then move its headquarters from Salem (OR), to Kalama within six months. 

The Depin product was developed to meet what the company describes as "the growing demand for eco-friendly, easy-to-recycle and cost-effective crating." Among its customers are Ingersoll Rand, Fred Meyer/Kroger, Costco and General Dynamics. The company expects to add 20 workers to its Kalama operation consistent with growth in the next three years.

"We serve large customers in both Seattle and Portland markets so we were looking for the perfect middle location right on I-5 with room to grow," said company owner Dan Bonebrake. "Not only does Port of Kalama offer exactly the kind of manufacturing and distribution facilities we need, but they are very business friendly and accommodating. Port staff has already proven they’ll be a solid business partner."