New AAPA Members: Puerto Rosario, Consejo Portuario Argentino, Brian Preski

Ente Administrador Puerto Rosario (ENAPRO), Avda. Belgrano 341, Rosario, Santa Fe 2000, ARGENTINA. Phone: 011-54-0341-4213246. Email: Website: Contact: Lic. Angel Elías, Presidente. (Latin American Corporate Member)

Puerto Rosario is an important cargo center located on the Parana River about 340 miles upstream from the Atlantic Ocean. It is accessible by ocean going vessels via a 34-foot deep channel. The port handles approximately 3.5 million metric tons of cargo annually, much of it grain and grain products but also including steel, fertilizer, vegetable oils, and cement. Container throughput in 2013 totaled 23,118 TEUs.

Consejo Portuario Argentino-Asociación Civil, Lavalle 643, Piso 2 "A", Buenos Aires 1047, ARGENTINA. Phone: 011-54-11-4325-2752. Fax: 011-54-11-4325-2133. Email: Website: Contact: Sra. Adriana Lidia Malandia. (Latin American Corporate Member)

Founded in 1992, the association promotes the development and expansion of fluvio-maritime port activity by petitioning and acting before national, provincial and municipal agencies authorities and other public and private entities on matters pertaining to the interests of the Argentine port industry.

The association conducts studies and research on the promulgation and modification of laws or regulations pertaining to the port industry and promotes coordination and cooperation between different maritime sectors. It also sponsors conferences, congresses, exhibits, seminars and other activities.

Mr. Brian J. Preski, VP Government Affairs, Patch Management, Inc., 451 Tyburn Road, Fairless Hills, PA 19030. Phone: (215) 949-9400. Fax: (215) 949-3166. Email: Website: (Associate Member)

Mr. Preski was chairman of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority from 2000-2007.