AAPA’s 2014 Spring Conference Agenda Covers 'Hot Button' Port Topics

In response to member input, AAPA has revamped the upcoming Spring Conference March 24-25 in Washington, D.C. In addition to sessions featuring well regarded U.S. and international speakers, the annual event will include an opportunity for attendees to engage in candid and valuable informal discussions on the topics most relevant to their port or business.   

A special session features insiders from both sides of the aisle discussing the issues driving the 2014 U.S. elections. Providing perspectives will be Ed Goeas, leader of one of the most respected and successful Republican survey research and strategy teams in politics today, and Celinda Lake, a top Democratic Party political strategist.

Other sessions will address hot-button topics such as cybersecurity, alternative energy facilities and cargo handling. In addition, key leaders from Congress and federal agencies will discuss policy issues such as reauthorization of surface transportation legislation and how to transform the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to meet today’s needs, while a major beneficial cargo owner will offer insights on what companies look for in selecting ports for their goods movement needs.

Make your plans and register today!  Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities are still available. To learn more, call Ed O’Connell at (703) 406-4709.