AZ Senator Flake introduces legislation to stop ADA ‘drive-by’ lawsuits

Sen. Jeff Flake (R, Arizona) introduced a bill last week to cut down on the number of lawsuits filed against small businesses. Using the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), plaintiffs throughout the country have filed more than 15,000 lawsuits against businesses over the last two years. Frequently, businesses settle the cases out of court to avoid the lengthy and costly legal battle.

The ADA Education and Reform Act will give businesses a chance to fix the problems before the lawsuit could move forward. It would also require the problems be specified in more detail so the business owner knows what to fix. This bill was first introduced in the House by Rep. Ted Poe (R, Texas) but did not have a Senate author yet until Sen. Flake stepped up to be the leader. Click here to thank Senator Flake for his leadership!