NAFA Connection

NAFA Fleet Management Association

Annual conventions throughout the United States are feeling the sting of a weak economy in 2009. While the attendance numbers for NAFA's annual Institute & Expo (I&E) decreased less than the average conference (according to the American Society of Association Executives), NAFA enlisted its Board of Governors to examine the conference from the inside out and find ways to improve every aspect of the I&E.

For more than 50 years, NAFA's annual I&E has been the premier networking and education   event for the fleet management industry. By being proactive, NAFA has not only taken steps to combat the weak economy, but has also rebuilt the conference to ensure it remains the industry's premier event for the next 50 years!

NAFA's next I&E will take place April 24-27, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan.  The ideas taken from the Board of Governors will be fully implemented in order to improve the overall I&E experience for attendees, increase the value for fleet managers, and entice more industry professionals to attend.

Significant improvements made for the 2010 I&E include:

  • Powerful Keynote Speakers – NAFA has extended an invitation to Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors to provide high-level Keynote Speakers for the general sessions.  Note: Other fleet-minded OEMs will be invited if the Detroit Three cannot accept NAFA's invitation this year.

  • Revised Scheduling – Several changes have been made to the I&E schedule to offer attendees a better use of their time. Changes include offering advanced fleet management sessions geared towards veteran fleet managers as well as sessions planned by and geared towards commercial fleet managers, government fleet managers, and public safety fleet managers during every time slot of the I&E.

  • Increased Focus on the Expo Floor – The 2010 I&E will see an increased effort to keep fleet managers on the expo floor through a series of minor changes.  For the first time, the Grand Celebration networking reception and dinner will take place directly on the Expo floor.  NAFA's Green Fleet Awards presentation will take place during the Grand Celebration, so it will not take away from the business portion of the expo. Additionally, the Ride & Drive will take place Monday afternoon, after the Expo closes, in order to allow exhibitors the full attention of the attendees.

  • NAFA is also developing a special education program to help exhibitors attract more visitors to their booth. This program may involve such techniques as webinars, assistance with email marketing campaigns, and a virtual trade show.

  • I&E as Part Of Fleet Preview Week – Taking advantage of Detroit as the host city, NAFA is working on having the I&E sandwiched between two major fleet preview shows – GM's 2011 Fleet Preview prior to the I&E and Ford's 2011 Fleet Preview after the I&E. If NAFA is able to make this happen, it will offer fleet managers the opportunity to reduce the amount of travel time and expenses necessary to attend all three vital industry events – and help promote the I&E to fleet managers who will be in the city for the fleet previews and who otherwise may not have attended the conference.
With these changes, NAFA confidently and boldly takes the I&E to a new level.  The Association has no intention of having the I&E be thought of as just another fleet event; the goal is for the I&E to be the fleet event. Thanks to the work of NAFA's Board of Governors – volunteer fleet managers and affiliates covering every sector of the industry – that goal is in reach. For more information on the improvements being made to the I&E, click here. An historic event in NAFA's history is finally here: The steps are in place for CAFM/CAFS graduates to obtain college credit through Ferris State University (FSU) in Michigan. 

The partnership between NAFA and FSU was first announced by former NAFA President Gayle Pratt at the Association's 2008 Institute & Expo in Salt Lake City.

The arrangement between FSU and NAFA  includes a four-step degree plan that begins with awarding NAFA CAFM program participants 12 semester hours of college credit for the successful completion of the program and ends with a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Minor in Fleet Management.

At this time, only graduates under the new CAFM/CAFS programs (no case study) qualify for the college credits.  The following link will direct you to details on the program, instructions, and forms:   
"It is apparent that there is an unfilled need for qualified graduates [who] have earned credentials that will help them pursue a career in fleet management," explained FSU Assistant Professor Gary Maike.

In addition to offering CAFM/CAFS graduates college credit through FSU, NAFA's  Michigan Chapter will meet on Sept. 2 at Ferris State University (FSU) in Big Rapids, Mich., to discuss the partnership. Speakers, chapter members, and representatives of FSU will also discuss  the curriculum associated with the school's Fleet Management minor; take a look at the program from the experiences of a recent graduate; and discuss how one employer is utilizing the school's internship program and how others may utilize internships for their business as well.

This introductory meeting will hopefully be the start of a long relationship between NAFA's Michigan Chapter and FSU. For more information on this meeting click here.

"We're trying to show the members that there's a big link here between Ferris State University and NAFA and that there's something in it for them as fleet managers.  In addition, they can offer something back to the community at large by providing some internship opportunities for students," explained Steve Pederson, Chair of NAFA's Michigan Chapter and Vice President Fleet & Risk Management for VPSI, Inc.

The myriad of major accomplishments for NAFA Fleet Management Association in the first half of 2009 should easily answer the question, "What have you done for me lately?"  From the creation of a new fleet certification program and the announcement of new partnerships, to the release of new products and a highly successful expo, the results speak for themselves. In this year alone:
  • NAFA introduced the Certified Automotive Fleet Supervisor (CAFS) certification program, and in February, the CAFM/CAFS program was approved by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Two months later, the Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association® became the latest in a coalition of organizations exclusively endorsing and offering to its members both the CAFM and CAFS certification programs.
  • NAFA's representative in Washington broke down the economic stimulus package and highlighted the various ways the stimulus provided funding for fleets.  In addition to providing assistance for fleets interested in applying for stimulus funding, NAFA was among the first associations to provide details of how the stimulus would affect fleet managers.
  • Impact Public Affairs, NAFA's Canadian legislative counsel, established a new toll-free phone number (866-935-9969) with dedicated live response and a new centralized e-mail address ( 
  • NAFA announced our agreement with Mercury Associates, Inc., to deliver fleet management seminars in specific under-served markets of the United States. Within the next year, Mercury will conduct seminars based on NAFA's "Fleet Management Seminar" and the "Advanced Fleet Management Seminar," on NAFA's behalf in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. 
  • NAFA's annual Institute & Expo, held in New Orleans at the end of April, was not only the premier event of the year for the fleet industry, but provided the location for the launch of the Fleet Greenhouse Gas Calculator, created by NAFA and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • NAFA's CAFM program continued to shine when more than 50 fleet professionals received their CAFM certification at the I&E – the largest ever CAFM graduation class!
  • NAFA released two new products covering the most important aspects of fleet management – The Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide and The Fuel Management Guide.
Plus, NAFA's legislative team, played an active role in multiple situations.
  • In February, Patrick O'Connor, NAFA's U.S. Legislative Counsel, examined the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and how the bill would affect fleets.  Upon examination, O'Connor discovered many benefits to fleets including the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. NAFA was among the first in the industry to have the bill's effect on fleets analyzed and made public
  • In March, Huw Williams, NAFA's Canadian Legislative Counsel, outlined concerns from the membership about frozen automotive credit markets, which were impeding business and the Canadian economy, in a letter to Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. NAFA submitted a formal response to consultations by the Department of Finance and the Business Development Bank of Canada.  In addition, Williams represented NAFA at one such consultation meeting on March 6.
  • The Association's legislative work continued in April with the announcement that NAFA representatives would be participating in upcoming hearings scheduled by the EPA on a rule requiring mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from large sources in the United States.
What has NAFA done for you lately? Plenty! NAFA's accomplishments in 2009 have helped raise the bar for fleet management, and there's more to come. After all, the year isn't over yet. Know a colleague who should join NAFA? Ask them to visit
Are you new to fleet?
Have less than five years experience?

If you answered "yes," then you need to sign up for the Fleet Management Seminar (FMS), offered Oct. 14-16 at the Marriott Detroit at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Mich.

This course is a great stepping stone in advancing your knowledge and understanding of the dynamic fleet industry. Interactive, and a must for fleet professionals, the Fleet Management Seminar offers you answers. Register by Sept. 23 and SAVE!
  • Network with fleet colleagues on an international level
  • Ask questions to help you address your specific projects
  • Share in this interactive and intense classroom environment
Are you a fleet professional with more than five years experience?
Studying for the CAFM or CAFS exam?
Looking for advanced fleet education?

Then the Advanced Fleet Management Seminar is just for you. At NAFA's Advanced Fleet Management Seminar, you will solve problems and discuss new ideas with NAFA's most experienced and knowledgeable expert instructors. The Advanced Seminar is offered Oct. 16-18 at the Marriott Detroit at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Mich.

NAFA's Advanced Fleet Management Seminar is an intense, upper-level course, immersing you in the major concepts of fleet management. This Seminar covers the eight discipline modules of fleet management for both the public service and commercial sectors.
  • An intense, upper-level course
  • 8 interactive sessions covering disciplines in-depth
  • A great study tool for the CAFM or CAFS exam
  • Learn from the experts themselves!

Reserve Your Seat By Sept. 23 and SAVE!

Reserve your seat by Sept. 23 and SAVE with our early bird pricing.
Register online at now and save!

Attention CAFM/CAFS Participants: AFMS is the Best Study Tool Out There!
Who better to learn from than the expert themselves? These expert, seasoned instructors will provide insight, answers, and individual attention, along with a Q&A at the end of each session. After the Seminar, take your CAFM or CAFS exam with ease! You will be able to test upon the conclusion of the FMS/AFMS on Monday, Oct.19, at the same hotel.

"The AFMS is the single biggest help that NAFA will offer to help CAFM and CAFS candidates master the difficult concepts in the curriculum." -- NAFA President Christopher Amos, CAFM, Commissioner of Equipment Services, City of St. Louis

Take Your Exam Immediately Following the Seminars!
Certification participants have the opportunity to test on Monday, Oct.19, right after the FMS and AFMS. Take this chance to prep and take the exam with the information still fresh in your mind.

Deadline for forms is Oct. 12, 2009
Register at

To reserve your seat online, click here
For more details on AFMS, please visit

Become an Expert With Our Package Deal!

Enroll in both the introductory-level Fleet Management Seminar and the Advanced Fleet Management Seminar by the early bird deadline, Sept. 23, and SAVE more than $250! Refresh your skills and knowledge at the Fleet Management Seminar and then receive a deeper level of instruction and scholarship at the Advanced Seminar. This is a perfect opportunity for those studying for the CAFM or CAFS exam!

To register online for the combo deal, click here.

Make Your Hotel Reservations Today!
To receive a group rate of $159 per night (plus applicable taxes), call the Detroit Marriott directly at 1.800.228.9290 or click here to make reservations online. Use the code knifeman; the cut-off date for group rate is Sept. 21, 2009.
Want to win a free trip to NAFA's 2010 Institute and Expo? Just participate in the 2009 NAFA Membership Drive and recruit a new NAFA Member to join. This will put you in the running for a free trip to NAFA's 2010 I&E. This Membership Drive Grand Prize Pack includes full conference registration, hotel for all conference nights, and your roundtrip travel/airfare. Plus, there are five additional I&E conference registrations that will be drawn. This 2009 Mem bership Drive contest is "win-win-win" for all involved, especially you.

Why Participate and Get Your Colleagues to Join?
  • Build your network, which may help in your next project.
  • Get a chance to win a free trip to I&E, including hotel and travel expenses (the Membership Drive Grand Prize Pack, including I&E conference registration, hotel, and airfare)
  • Get a chance to win a free I&E registration.
  • Receive a $10 coupon good toward any NAFA product for each new NAFA Member you get to join.
  • Strengthen your association, which provides fleet solutions for all fleet professionals.
  • Build your opportunity to become more involved in your association – and truly make it your association. 
 As a NAFA Member, you know the value of membership best, and we want others to experience the same benefits of NAFA that you do. Let them know NAFA offers fleet solutions for fleet professionals  – we're all about fleet!

How Does Our Member-Get-A-Member Campaign Work?
For each new fleet manager NAFA Member who is recruited between July 1 and Nov. 30, one ticket will be entered in a drawing to win a free trip (grand prize) and free registration to NAFA's 2010 Institute & Expo in Detroit, April 24–29, 2010. In addition, collect NAFA coupon dollars for every new member you recruit.

For complete details and contest rules, visit

  1. Get Started Today With Your Recruiting Toolbox!
    Download our special Member application, and don't forget to put your name on the "SPONSOR" line before distributing.
    US and Canadian Member Application
    International Member Application
  2. Good Web pages to refer to:
    Top Reasons To Join
    Membership Benefits
  3. Spread the word. Here are some ideas how:
    • Invite a colleague to a local meeting.
    • E-mail fellow professionals (see above links).
    • Contact your local chapter chair for a list of prospective Members.
    • Research similar companies in your area and find out who runs their fleets.
    • E-mail NAFA's Membership Department directly for a prospect Member to contact.
Get a booth in front of fleet managers!
Early Bird Deadline Ends August 28

NAFA Institute & Expo Priority Period in Full Swing
Show Dates: April 25–26, 2010
COBO Center
Wayne & Oakland Exhibit Hall
Detroit, Michigan

Two Top Reasons to Reserve Your Booth Today:

  1. Meet Fleet Decision-Makers
    NAFA Members are composed of both commercial (60 percent) and government (40 percent) fleet managers and are responsible for more than 3.5 million vehicles.
  2. Green Zone is Hot
    With alternative fuels being in the headlines, the NAFA I&E Green Zone will draw buyers to the floor.
Be part of the premier fleet management event! Visit  Call our sales team at (703) 934-4700 or e-mail for help selecting your booth. Did you know NAFA provides our Members with up-to-date changes that occur in the alternative fuels arena? We will post new changes with regard to technology, laws, regulations, OEM vehicle availability, incentives, and more. 

NAFA also provides links to the Department Of Energy's two websites with current information on alternative fuels, in addition to a link to the Vehicle Buyer's Guide, which helps fleets and consumers select AFVs that are right for them based on costs, specifications, and fueling/vehicle availability. More information can be found in NAFA's Fuel Management Guide, a new product listed in NAFA's online store.

Look for changes in the FleetFOCUS newsletter, in our FLEETSolutions magazine, or online by clicking here.You can also log into, log on with your username and password, click on Resource Center, and then hit Alternative Fuels.
The Fleet Greenhouse Gas Calculator created by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and NAFA, makes it easier than ever for fleet managers to measure their greenhouse gas emissions as a first step in creating "greener" vehicle fleets.

"Fleet managers today face immense pressures from all sides to cut costs – and reducing emissions is one way to do so," said Jason Mathers, Green Fleet project manager for EDF. "Our goal in launching this online calculator is to put fleet managers in the driver's seat when it comes to measurement, efficiency, and cost savings."

Recognizing that it is difficult to capture the complete data required by more advanced calculation methods, the Fleet Greenhouse Gas Calculator is designed to minimize data entry needs for fleets, while retaining accuracy.

The EDF-NAFA Fleet Greenhouse Gas Calculator was unveiled at the NAFA 2009 Institute & Expo in New Orleans. The Master's Seminar, entitled "Carbon Footprint Calculation and Management," covered data needs and options for quantifying fleet greenhouse gas emissions.

The Fleet Greenhouse Gas Calculator estimates total fleet greenhouse gas emissions from fuel consumption data. This data is directly used to calculate emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounts for about 95 percent of greenhouse gas from vehicles. Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are estimated based on their prominence among greenhouse gas from transportation source as reported in the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2006.You can access the calculator directly from the NAFA homepage,
FleetFOCUS is the Association's official e-mailed newsletter that provides the latest up-to-date industry news, NAFA news and events, information on environmental enhancements in the industry, NAFA store sales, information on membership benefits and programs, and valuable career postings, and network opportunities.

FleetFOCUS is your one-stop resource for valuable industry and Association news!
  • FleetFOCUS saves you valuable time and effort with its comprehensive scope, relaying headline news, legislative updates, career network opportunities, and the latest association happenings at the local and national levels.
  • Twice each month, your issue of FleetFOCUS is e-mailed to your attention, putting critical information about the fleet management and automotive industry directly in your inbox.
  • Each issue groups articles into eight major sections, making accessing information easy to locate.
    • NAFA News
    • Headline News
    • What's Green in the Industry
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Membership Benefits You
    • Legislative News
    • Online NAFA Store
    • Career Corner
  • Review and applaud key Membership Milestones of your friends and NAFA colleagues.
  • Plan to attend your next NAFA Chapter meeting with FleetFOCUS' quick list of the latest month's local happenings at all NAFA Chapters.
NAFA's official bi-monthly magazine, FLEETSolutions, features in-depth stories written to educate, inform, and help fleet managers excel in their jobs. Educational articles are based on the eight disciplines and related core competencies comprising NAFA's Education Competency Model developed by the Association's FleetED Advisory Council. These disciplines have been specified as the required knowledge and skills for successful fleet management.

FLEETSolutions Helps You Excel! 
  • NAFA Members and Affiliates share their experiences, giving you interdisciplinary knowledge cutting across all  industries. Comprehensive educational content keeps you informed about:
    • Asset Management
    • Business Management
    • Financial Management
    • Fleet Information Management
    • Maintenance Management
    • Risk Management
    • Vehicle Fuel Management
    • Professional Development
  • Color-coded tabs help you locate information on the specific, professional disciplines. Important results of NAFA surveys allow you to compare your practices, policies, and experiences against those of your NAFA colleagues.
  • Spotlights on leasing companies, remarketing strategies, industry leaders, and key partners provide the latest perspectives in the profession.
  • The publication gives you valuable, well-rounded, comprehensive education of the subject matter, no matter your industry or fleet.
  • NAFA's magazine is a great resource for all experience levels.

Where Do I Find FleetFOCUS and FLEETSolutions Online?

Among other valuable benefits, your NAFA membership dues and fees pay for an annual subscription to FLEETSolutions. In addition to the print and digital versions of the magazine sent directly to your attention, you'll find each issue of FLEETSolutions archived online. This online archive is available only for NAFA Members and Affiliates, so you'll need to log in with your unique NAFA username and password. Just go to, find the "Resource Center" tab, and click on Publications and References. This link will provide you with a list of NAFA publications. 
Click on FleetFOCUS, and all issues will be listed according to date.  Remember, with FleetFOCUS being an exclusive benefit of NAFA membership, you'll need your unique NAFA username and password.  Or click on FLEETSolutions and all issues will be listed according to date.  FLD, Inc., Founder and CEO Passes

NAFA Affiliate, founder and former CEO of Fleet Lease Disposal, Inc., Michael Sheinson, passed away recently.

Sheinson was a NAFA Affiliate from March 1998 to February of 2000. He was well-known and respected throughout the remarketing industry as an innovator and visionary. His passion for technology-driven solutions shaped the business model for FLD, which was founded as Fleet Lease Disposal in 1979. As early as 1988, he was one of the first in the remarketing industry to have developed a comprehensive vehicle tracking system.

"Michael was a man who had good ideas that he acted on. He was an innovator, an entrepreneur, a perfectionist and a good friend," said Bob Rauschenberg, executive vice president of sales and marketing for ADESA.

In 2000, Sheinson and FLD, Inc., funded and staffed Veretech, LLC with its then 10-member in-house technology department.  Sheinson was Veretech's chairman of the board prior to its sale to Hearst Corporation in 2007. Sheinson's expertise and knowledge in and around the remarketing industry were respected by those who knew him.

Frank Grochal, former vice president of used vehicle sales for ARI, added, "I will always remember Michael as engaging, deep thinking and extremely knowledgeable in regards to people and the issues and trends affecting the remarketing industry. His forward thinking and innovative advances in technology facilitated the remarketing process for all of us."

Over the last ten years, Sheinson had left a majority of FLD's daily operations to the management team or partners he had assembled over the last 30 years. Sheinson pulled back from daily operations in the late 1990s because of the strong management team he had in place and to fulfill a secondary passion for philanthropy. From industry associations to religion to rheumatoid arthritis research, Sheinson's passion and vision extended far past the remarketing industry and all those around him will be sure to keep his legacy alive.

"After nearly 30 years of growing FLD together, the partners and I will surely miss the input of our founder," said Ron Sanders, CEO. "Michael's vision shaped much of what FLD is today but he put each of us in place for a reason, to carry on that vision well beyond his years."

NAFA Member and former Director of U.S. Fleet at Pfizer, Stephen Levine, retired last week. In our announcement, we mistakenly reported Stephen was an Officer of NAFA's New York Chapter, where he is currently a Member. Actually, Stephen's service was to NAFA's Michigan Chapter, where he served as Vice Chair from 1991-1993 and again from 1997-1999, and as Chair from 1993-1995. We apologize for the error, and on behalf of Stephen wish a great year of success for the New York Jets!

GPS Insight

Headline News
Diversified industrial manufacturer Eaton Corporation announced its truck and electrical businesses will support a $45.4 million grant to produce plug-in hybrid electric power systems for 378 vehicles, the nation's largest commercial hybrid deployment to date.  The funding is part of the recently announced $2.4 billion in grants by the U.S. Department of Energy under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Eaton will work with grant recipient South Coast Air Quality Management District and other affiliates, including the Electrical Power Research Institute, Altec Industries, Compact Power Inc., Ford Motor Company, and Southern California Edison, in the deployment of plug-in hybrid electric commercial vehicles to more than 50 utility and municipal fleets nationwide.  Eaton will also provide infrastructure for the electrical charging of these vehicles.

"This funding is an important milestone in the advancement of plug-in hybrid vehicles, and Eaton is pleased to be a recipient," said Alexander M. Cutler, Eaton Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.  "By providing our sustainable, energy-saving technologies to power the vehicles as well as the electrical infrastructure support to help keep them running, we believe we can provide Eaton customers with the technology they need to move plug-in hybrids to the next level."

The development and deployment of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and accompanying charging infrastructure will take place over 18 months. Vehicles will be evaluated over a two-year period.
A revitalized General Motors recently reintroduced itself with an array of all-new cars, crossovers, and trucks – debuting now through 2011.

GM also made a historic announcement: When the Chevrolet Volt extended-range electric vehicle rolls off the assembly line late next year, it will be the first mass-production automobile to achieve triple-digit fuel economy, with an expected 230 mpg in the city, or 25 kilowatt hours per 100 miles.

GM President and CEO Fritz Henderson also confirmed that Cadillac is developing an entry luxury sport sedan to capitalize on the growing market for smaller luxury sedans in the U.S. and globally.  At GM's Design Center and Milford Proving Ground, GM previewed six all-new 2010 vehicles and a glimpse of what is being introduced through the end of 2011: Chevrolet alone is introducing 10 new models, including the 2011 Chevrolet Volt; Buick and GMC are adding 10 new entries, including a Buick plug-in hybrid compact crossover in 2011; and Cadillac is introducing five new models through 2011.

In addition, executives plan to talk with consumers in other Web-based and in-person formats in the coming months.

While GM has organized customer clinics and collected feedback for many years, the Web provides even greater opportunities to connect with consumers. Executives will use a combination of in-person meetings and online technology to better interact with them. GM will use its popular FastLane blog launch "The Lab," a microsite featuring future projects by GM's Advanced Design team.   Interacting directly with designers, consumers can share input on designs and technologies being considered for future projects. Those who provide detailed demographic information may be invited to participate at a deeper level in future sessions.
General Motors Company will invest $43 million in Brownstown Township, Mich.,  to manufacture lithium-ion battery packs for the Chevrolet Volt and other extended-range electric vehicles.  It is the first lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in the U.S. operated by a major automaker, and demonstrates GM's commitment to deliver more fuel-efficient vehicles to consumers.

The plant will provide more than 100 advanced technology jobs and will be part of a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors called GM Subsystem Manufacturing LLC. Local and state incentives, along with Recovery Act funding announced last week by the U.S. Department of Energy, are helping to make the facility possible. 

"Developing and producing advanced batteries is a key step in GM's journey to become the leader in electric vehicles," said Fritz Henderson, GM President and CEO.  "This state-of-the-art battery manufacturing site reinforces our commitment to achieve that goal and to deliver clean, fuel-efficient vehicles to our customers."

Henderson also noted the importance of this new technology to the nation's and Michigan's overall economic growth.

The GM Brownstown Battery Assembly facility will include three primary assembly areas: battery module pre-assembly, final assembly, and the battery pack main line.  The Chevrolet Volt will be GM's first extended-range electric vehicle to receive the new plant's lithium-ion battery.

In June, GM opened the largest and most technologically advanced battery lab in the United States on its Technical Center campus in Warren, Mich.  The new GM Brownstown Battery Assembly plant will work closely with GM's Global Battery Systems Lab in Warren, which is dedicated to GM's advanced battery development and testing for electrically driven vehicles.

ARI, Automotive Resources


   New Motor Vehicle Body Repair Regulations in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia drivers, along with all those who repair their own vehicles, will experience new regulations that require motor vehicle body repairers to obtain a certificate of qualification.  The new regulations are being implemented by the Department of Labour and Workforce Development, who was asked by the collision repair industry to execute essential certification in the trade.

The new regulations will advance workplace and public safety by helping ensure that Nova Scotia's motor vehicle body repairers are knowledgeable of current safety practices, in addition to being appropriately trained to a high industry standard.

Provincial Labour and Workforce Development Minister Marilyn More highlighted that the government wants to ensure that proper and current technical and safety practices are being followed when repairing the vehicles that travel on Nova Scotia roads every day, in order to better protect the repairers and the public.

Motor vehicle body repairers fix, restore, replace, and refinish structural and nonstructural parts on vehicles, in addition to some mechanical and electrical components.  This change means that only those with a certificate of qualification, a valid temporary permit or registered apprentices, will legally be permitted to work in the trade.

Hybrid Tax Incentives

Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI) has introduced legislation to extend and improve the existing tax credits for the purchase of medium and heavy-duty hybrid vehicles. Tax credits ranging from $1,500 to $12,000 are currently available for the purchase of medium- or heavy-duty hybrid vehicles, such as delivery vehicles, utility trucks, and garbage trucks. The maximum credit varies depending on the size and fuel efficiency of the vehicle. This incentive to speed the deployment of heavy-duty hybrid vehicles is currently set to expire at the end of this year.  Rep. Levin's legislation, the Heavy Duty Hybrid Truck Incentives Improvement Act, would extend the tax credits for five years and double the credit amounts. H.R. 3367 would also expand the credit to cover purely electric trucks, and make the credits more accessible for the very largest vehicles.  For further information on the legislation, contact NAFA's U.S. Legislative Counsel Patrick O'Connor at

Distracted Driving Summit

The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced a September summit to address the dangers of text messaging and other distractions behind the wheel. In late September, senior transportation officials, elected officials, safety advocates, law enforcement representatives and academics will convene in Washington, D.C., to discuss ideas about how to combat distracted driving.  For information and updates on next month's summit on distracted driving, visit:

Idling Reduction Incentives

Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to encourage fleets to use anti-idling technology.  The Idling Reduction Tax Credit Act of 2009 is sponsored by Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) and co-sponsored by Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX).   H.R. 3383 provides a 50 percent tax credit up to $3,000 for each device purchased to reduce idling and installed on a commercial vehicle. 

DOT Reinstates Direct Observation Rule

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has reinstated its 2008 final rule subjecting transportation industry workers in safety-sensitive positions to direct observation for all return-to-duty and follow-up drug tests. The rule, which will take effect on August 31, requires same sex observations during drug tests for truck drivers who either refused or failed to take a test as a condition of employment.  Further information is available at

Networkfleet, Inc.

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions while providing convenient transportation alternatives, the state of Massachusetts passed the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Ordinance which was effective July 31, 2009.  The NEV Ordinance legalizes the driving of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) on streets posted at 30 mph and below.

GEM dealer Glen Bean of Salvadore Chrysler Plymouth Dodge in Garner, Mass., expects the Ordinance will affect transportation in bigger cities like Boston, Worcester, Springfield, and Fitchburg.

"I think the Ordinance will have a very positive impact in terms of saving fuel, reducing emissions, and minimizing noise pollution," says Bean, whose dealership sells GEM electric vehicles to local residents.  "While the impact of NEVs on transportation will take some time, I think we'll see a change in driving habits in the bigger cities."

"Locals can now benefit from using GEM vehicles to get around islands like Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard," adds fellow GEM dealer Bill DeLuca IV of Bill DeLuca Chrysler Jeep in Haverhill, Mass. "They're also great for local businesses, like pizza shops, post offices, hotels, and grocery stores."

To date, GEM cars have been driven more than 350 million emission-free miles, and have saved more than 16 million gallons of gas.
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., announced the results of a recent collaborative fuel cell hybrid vehicle range and fuel economy field evaluation.

The Toyota Highlander Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle – Advanced (FCHV-adv) achieved an estimated range of 431 miles on a single full tank of compressed hydrogen gas, and an average fuel economy of 68.3 miles/kg (approximate mpg equivalent) during a day-long trip down the southern California coast.  Driving range data were averaged for an estimated range of 431 miles, with an average fuel economy of 68.3 miles/kg.
"This evaluation of the FCHV-adv demonstrates not only the rapid advances in fuel cell technology, but also the viability of this technology for the future," said Jared Farnsworth, Toyota Technical Center Advanced Powertrain Engineer.
The Savannah River National Laboratory (SNRL) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)  analyzed all data gathered during the evaluation and prepared a formal report to DOE verifying range results and miles per kilogram achieved.  This report will assist regulators and government research programs to accurately assess the status of the fuel cell industry and viability of the current technology.
"Toyota's hydrogen fuel cell technology has advanced rapidly over the last two years," said Irv Miller, TMS Group Vice President, Environmental and Public Affairs.  "In 2015, our plan is to bring to market a reliable and durable fuel cell vehicle with exceptional fuel economy and zero emissions, at an affordable price."
A plug-in hybrid electric "terminal tractor" used to move shipping containers and cargo within the port will be tested at a Port of Long Beach, California shipping terminal, according to the Electric Power Research Institute.

If this heavy-duty application of hybrid electric technology proves successful at Long Beach and other ports, then it could replace diesel-powered tractors on a wide scale, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and improving energy efficiency of port operations.

The Electric Power Research Institute is coordinating the project among several ports and will also compile and analyze project data related to the tractor's performance, including emissions, charging, diesel fuel reduction and other aspects.  The equipment will be tested at SSA Container Terminal on Pier A at the Port of Long Beach for three months.

US Hybrid Corporation converted the diesel powered vehicle, which is similar in appearance to a tractor cab, into a hybrid which has the ability to be refueled from the electric grid.

"Terminal tractors are the most prevalent piece of equipment at container ports and they typically idle 50 percent to 80 percent of the time they're in use," said Andra Rogers, Senior Project Manager of Electric Transportation at EPRI.  "It's feasible that by converting their tractor fleets ports could reduce emissions from this source by 80 percent for nitrogen oxides, 50 percent for carbon dioxide and significant amounts of other criteria pollutants.  These vehicles can make a big impact on lowering a port's overall emissions."

The three-month Port of Long Beach demonstration project is part of a one-year demonstration, during which the tractor will also be tested and evaluated at ports in Savannah, Georgia, Mobile, Alabama, Houston, Texas, and New York City.

EPRI will document the tractor's performance and operation including electric grid system impact, vehicle system efficiency, emissions, costs, and vehicle performance.  EPRI also will evaluate performance and benefits relative to conventional diesel vehicles.
Coulomb Technologies announced that the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County is the first municipality in the state of Tennessee to install and deploy ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations for plug-in electric vehicles.

The charging stations are now installed in downtown Nashville in the new 700-space parking garage located on the Fulton Campus.  The charging stations, available for employee and fleet use, have been installed to reduce greenhouse emissions and to raise awareness of readiness for electric vehicles.

Coulomb distributor Green Power Technology, the exclusive distributor in the northeast U.S. for the ChargePoint Network charging stations, provided sales and support for this installation.

Consumers subscribe to the ChargePoint(sm) Network and receive a ChargePoint Smart Card that allows them to charge their car at any charging station worldwide.

"Networked charging stations for plug-in vehicles in Nashville brings music to our ears," said Richard Lowenthal, CEO of Coulomb Technologies.  "Nashville is laying the groundwork for the future of clean and alternative energy in Tennessee.  These charging stations not only create awareness for electric vehicles and their necessary infrastructure, but will give employees of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County a new destination choice for charging their vehicle."
NAFA Online Store

Order by August 31 and Save 25 percent on NAFA's Request for Proposals Guide





Request for Proposals Guide



Instructional CD-ROM with step-by-step instruction for preparing an effective Request for Proposal. Save time by directly accessing numerous reference documents and samples, including Process Flow and Statement of Work – a valuable tool for experienced RFP writers and novices alike. 


Did you know about NAFA's other products, such as the NAFA Vehicle Classification System, Personal Use for Fleets CD or Request for Proposals Guide CD? Review all NAFA products at the online store (, or to download the current catalog click here. Get the most from your NAFA membership by taking advantage of substantial discounts on all products in our online store.

Fuel Management Guide

Designed with you in mind, the guide will help you understand fuel supply and demand dynamics to better anticipate price changes; understand key fuel standards; and identify appropriate policies, activities, and technologies to improve fuel efficiency. A valuable appendix, comprised of additional references, makes this an "evergreen" learning tool, as links to current Web sites provide you direct access to the most current information on fuels and pricing, as well as from government authorities, non-profit and association Web sites, and manufacturers.

Information is easily accessible, as detailed chapters explore the issues associated with the centralized fuel management of conventional fuels; a variety of tools to fuel decentralized fleets; and alternative fuels and advanced technology vehicles, including forms of hybrid drive trains currently available.

The guide is available in three formats to meet your project and budgetary needs.

  • The e-download gives you instant access and portability – store it virtually anywhere: in your own "NAFA document folder," on your computer, or on your flash drive to take with you.
  • The CD version offers the same practical abilities as the e-downloadable format and is a product ready to share with other members of your fleet management team or add to the department's reference shelves.
  • The more traditional, spiral-bound, soft-cover book provides for easy use, especially when sharing references with colleagues. Order today!

No matter what type of fleet you have, fleet managers all face the same issues with regard to maintenance. Just published, this guide will enhance your understanding of the essential maintenance principles of in-house, contracted, or outsourced maintenance. Whether you work for a large corporation, a government entity, utility, or university, the Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide provides you with valuable information and resources. More than 500 pages of information, articles, codes, checklists, and guidelines examine:

  • preventive maintenance & warranty operations
  • shop operations
  • environmental issues
  • inventory management
  • benchmarking staff performance
  • outsourcing
  • maintenance staffing

Available in two formats to meet your project needs. NAFA has received 85 orders! Order Today!

  • The e-download gives you instant access and portability – store it virtually anywhere: in your own "NAFA document folder," on your computer, or on your flash drive to take with you!
  • The CD version offers the same practical abilities as the e-downloadable format and is a product ready to share with other members of your fleet management team or add to the department's reference shelves!
Career Corner

NAFA has provided space in each issue of the FleetFOCUS for companies and organizations to advertise career opportunities in the fleet industry.  Members can also market themselves to potential employers.  If you're interested in this opportunity, make your listings 200 words or fewer. Links to complete job descriptions on the company's Web site are suggested.  Please note all of the materials a candidate must supply in order to be considered for the position (e.g., resume, salary history, municipal application, etc.).  To take advantage of this service, e-mail your ad to Patrick McCarren at

Job Wanted Listings Provide New Networking Opportunities!

Are you looking for a new job or a motivated, hard-working employee?  NAFA's Job Wanted Listings is an exclusive benefit for Members and Affiliates who are looking to make a career change. PLEASE NOTE: This new and exclusive benefit is FREE!  To take advantage of this service, e-mail your job wanted posting to Maureen Smith at

August Job Postings

Director of Fleet Operations - Joliet, IL
Operations Manager - Nashua, NH

Resume Bank

NAFA is going one step further to help those in the industry gain employment.  For a small fee, NAFA will send resumes to any prospective employer who places an ad on the Career Network Section of the NAFA Web site.  Employers will be provided with new, up-to-date resumes that fit the job, for a small cost.

There is still no charge to submit a resume to the resume bank.  To be included in the resume bank, please send a current version of your resume to Maureen Smith, NAFA, Inc., 125 Village Blvd., Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540; or fax it to (609) 452-8004.  Resumes can also be e-mailed to Maureen Smith at  A few tips and reminders: If you would like to include a generic cover letter to be sent to potential employers, please include that as part of your resume. Make sure your home address, home phone or cell phone, and personal e-mail address are included on your resume.  Potential employers will contact you directly.  NAFA has a number of fleet-related job openings on the Jobs Wanted/Available page (click here).

GPS North America

Softech International Inc.

Adesa Atlanta

E.J. Ward, Inc.

Truck Accessories Group, LLC

Insurance Auto Auctions

Chapter Highlights

Industry Calendar
Click Here

NAFA's local chapters across Canada and the United States offer you numerous opportunities to meet colleagues and receive valuable fleet management education to keep you informed! Each year, more than 100 NAFA Chapter meetings provide top-level education and training on a wide variety of timely topics.

August Chapter meetings will take place:

August 19, 2009

Freendom Dodge Open House
Location: 1560 New Circle Road, Lexington, KY
Contact: Bert Grayson, (859) 268-3000
August 20, 2009
Philadelphia Chapter - Up-fitters Panel
Location: AutoPort Inc., New Castle, DE
Contact: Jonathan D. Kamanns, (484) 563-5402,

August 20, 2009
Arizona Chapter Meeting
Location: SRP West Valley Garage, Tolleson, AZ
Speaker: Rich Fuehl, Ford National Account Manager in Phoenix, AZ
Contact: Mark Manney, (602) 484-7055

September 2, 2009
Michigan Chapter Meeting - Ferris State Chapter Luncheon
Location: Ferris STate, Big Rapids, MI
Contact: Steven Pederson,, (248) 597.3522


Membership Benefits You

As a service to NAFA Members, Patrick O'Connor and Huw Williams - NAFA's U.S. and Canadian legislative counsels, respectively - supply monthly updates on current legislative issues impacting the fleet industry. These updates, e-mailed to NAFA Members the first week of each month, are posted in PDF format at a MEMBERS ONLY SECTION on

Legislative Updates are issued monthly to NAFA Members and then archived online. With this e-newsletter, NAFA Members can easily check on the progress and status of current legislation. Click here for more information.

Congratulations you just got a promotion! Best wishes on your retirement!  Now what do you do? Remember to notify NAFA about these and other changes. Notifying us will help you in many ways. If you are retiring, you may be eligible to become a NAFA alumnus and stay in touch with your NAFA colleagues and friends. Membership in the NAFA Fleet Management Association will follow you wherever you go, whether you change your position, place of work, or retire.

Just two easy steps can help your colleagues keep in touch. To make changes to your membership record: 1) click on "My Profile" on the NAFA homepage and submit changes, or 2) e-mail

Three online, searchable networking databases will easily put you in touch with all your NAFA colleagues. These databases are exclusively for NAFA members. Our three databases help you find:

  • Fellow Members and Affiliates based on name, geographic area, or chapter.
  • An expert who has volunteered to answer questions from colleagues on specific topics that are important to you.
  • An Affiliate product or service; you can choose from more than 50 categories.

You must be a Member or Affiliate to utilize the online networking databases. To start your search, click here.

NAFA's FleetED is designed to help you quickly find the references and educational resources you need now.

From asset management to maintenance management, benchmarking, and shop operations, NAFA's FleetED covers all fleet management disciplines and competencies, making this free Web site your fast online portal to all fleet management education.
Easily look up available resources while scanning an overview of a particular fleet management discipline. Complete a brief self-assessment test, selected by discipline, to confirm your strengths and discover what areas may need a little more concentration. These quizzes provide real-time feedback, with suggested education content according to your assessment results.

Whether you are looking for something specific or just trying to figure out what you need to know, NAFA's FleetED will guide you to valuable, comprehensive education content and reference materials. Visit FleetED at

e-Communities offer members the chance to reach colleagues and share ideas when they need to — anytime, anywhere. These virtual neighborhoods allow members to easily e-mail specific fleet questions to others within the community. As a subscriber to e-Communities, you can:

  • View real-time activity between other subscribed members within the group(s) to which you subscribe.
  • Share your knowledge and assist a fellow member in need, access lists of subscribers for each group, and access a history of inquiries posted to e-Communities.
  • Topics include alternative fuels, disaster relief, fleet maintenance, global fleet, law enforcement, and many more! Come be a part of NAFA's community!

To visit e-Communities, please click here.

NAFA cares about your privacy. As such, NAFA does not sell or rent e-mail addresses or phone numbers of its Members or Affiliates. NAFA also does not endorse any particular product or service provided by fleet suppliers. If you receive an e-mail (or any other form of communication) from a supplier that implies a NAFA endorsement or uses the NAFA name or likeness to imply endorsement, please notify NAFA immediately. We will issue a cease and desist notice and pursue action as necessary. (You should know that e-mail addresses are part of the online PDF files NAFA posts each month for communication among NAFA Members and Affiliates. Access to these files is restricted to NAFA Members and Affiliates.)

For NAFA's complete privacy policy, please click here: