Executive Director’s Message

The Importance of Membership

Membership is the cornerstone of any professional association, and it’s particularly important to the Texas Chiropractic Association. In fact, membership accounts for nearly half of TCA’s annual revenue. Your annual dues allow TCA to service you as a member and, more importantly, make it possible for the TCA team to protect the chiropractic profession that we all cherish.

Did you know that, of the more than 5,300 licensed doctors in Texas, less than half belong to their state association? Clearly, we have some work to do as a profession. For those who are TCA members, thank you for supporting TCA. For those who aren’t members, what are you waiting for? Become a TCA member today!

Here are just a few tangible benefits you’ll receive as a TCA member:


TCA is here for you, our members. But we’re also here for the entire chiropractic profession in Texas. Want to help out? Get involved or encourage non-member DCs to join TCA today! Membership is the key. The more members we have, the more effective we’ll be as a team.


Until next time,

Jeffrey S. Jenkins
Executive Director, Texas Chiropractic Association