Sprayfoam Pro Newswire

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

SPFA News and Announcements
Deadline to fill out nomination forms is December 8, 2012.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197227&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

Industry News and Announcements
SPFA releases pioneering, comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment showing energy and environmental benefits far outweigh impacts over the entire lifespan of spray foam insulation.

Visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/11/prweb10130698.htm to view the full article online.

Sentiment, not to mention stock prices, of home builders are perking up, and they have good reason. The inventory of existing homes is at a 10-year low, according to data released Nov. 19 by the National Association of Realtors. At the current sales rate, inventories represent a 5.4-month supply, the leanest supply since 2006.

Visit http://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/markets_sectors/news/story.jhtml?storyid=201211201132MRKTWTCHNEWS_SVC_C9C877A6-3284-11E2-A56A-002128040CF6&provider=MRKTWTCH&product=NEWS_SVC&category=&sourcePage=article to view the full article online.

Greenbuild is the largest conference and trade show in the green building field, and it is increasingly becoming the conference where large manufacturers roll out new building products.

See below for some of the highlights from the show.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197927&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

Foam Supplies, Inc.
From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
The Winter 2012 issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional magazine will be released shortly. Some of the articles in this issue include:
• Details on the SPFA Convention & Expo in Jacksonville, Fla., February 12-15, 2013
• Sneak Peek at the Upcoming SPF Professional Certification Program
• Life Cycle Assessment Summary for Residential Insulation and Commercial Roofing
• Prospects for Energy-Efficiency Incentives
• Answers to Questions About Sprayfoam Roofing Thickness and Timeframe

Be sure you are on the list to receive this issue and future ones! The link to sign up is below.

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spfa/signup.asp to view the full article online.

SPFA Membership
Details on member benefits and joining SPFA.

Visit http://www.sprayfoam.org/index.php?page_id=4477 to view the full article online.

SPFA Courses and Certification
Roof Integrated Solar Energy™ (RISE™) Inc. is accepting applications for its next Certified Solar Roofing Professional™ (CSRP) exam, which will be held Feb. 7, 2013.

Visit http://www.nrca.net/rp/news/stories/rise-is-accepting-applications-for-the-csrptrade-exam.10-17-2012.2878.aspx to view the full article online.

The Spray Foam Coalition of the ACC Center for the Polyurethanes Industry recently released new guidelines for SPF installation entitled, "Guidance on Best Practices for the Installation of Spray Polyurethane Foam — Guidance for Residential Homes and Commercial Buildings."

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/Nov_20_Guidance_Installation_SPF.pdf to view the full article online.

Naylor, LLC
Federal/State Government News
A summary of congressional activity and the likely impacts of the elections on ASHRAE interests is in the Nov. 16 edition of the ASHRAE Government Affairs Update:
• Congressional Elections Result in Several Significant Changes
• Net-Zero Energy Schools Spotlighted in Congressional Briefing
• ASHRAE Engagement with NASEO Key to Grassroots Influence, Success

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197229&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

The chemical and energy sectors may see additional, tougher environmental regulations during President Barack Obama's second term, according to Reuters. The administration is expected to advance long-withheld greenhouse-gas regulations for industrial emissions, including the Boiler MACT rule, while the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing two reports on hydraulic fracturing regulations.

Visit http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/07/usa-campaign-energy-companies-obama-idUSL1E8M1DXK20121107 to view the full article online.

Current Call to Action
BCAP is eager to hear from state energy offices or energy code supporters concerning what jurisdictions have adopted or are in the process of adopting the 2012 IECC or the IgCC.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197233&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

SPF-Related Codes & Standards
The Building Codes Assistance Project releases regular updates on building energy codes through its quarterly BCAP Newsletter and weekly Code Alert Bulletin.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197231&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

The Energy Commission is reopening the Energy Partnership Program and is accepting applications from eligible entities. The Energy Partnership Program provides a wide range of technical assistance to local governments and public institutions.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197898&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

Sprayfoam Professional Call for Submissions
The State Net Capitol Journal contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. Read up on Health Reform, Budget & Taxes, Politics & Leadership, Governors, Bird's Eye View, Hot Issues, and Once Around the Statehouse Lightly.

Volume XX, No. 36
November 19, 2012

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/Nov_20_State_Net_Capitol_Journal_11-19-2012.pdf to view the full article online.

The State Net Capitol Journal's post-election issue contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. The top story in this issue is "Legislative Elections Follow Historical Trends."

Volume XX, No. 35
November 12, 2012

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/Nov_20_State_Net_Capitol_Journal_11-12-2012.pdf to view the full article online.

Roofing School at The Polyurethane Roof Training Center in LaGrange, Ohio

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197234&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

AGC of America webinar to address "Risk Management: Best Practices for Profitable Projects."

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=197236&issueID=31953 to view the full article online.

2013 NAHB International Builders Show, Las Vegas

Visit http://www.buildersshow.com/Home/ to view the full article online.

2013 ASHRAE Winter Conference
January 26-30

2013 AHR Expo at the Winter Conference
January 28-30

Visit http://www.ashrae.org/membership--conferences/conferences/dallas-conference to view the full article online.

International Roofing Expo, San Antonio, Texas

Visit http://www.theroofingexpo.com/ to view the full article online.

World of Concrete, Las Vegas Convention Center

Visit http://www.worldofconcrete.com/ to view the full article online.

SPFA's Annual Convention & Expo will be in Jacksonville, Fla.

Visit http://www.sprayfoam.org/ to view the full article online.

RESNET 2013 Conference, Orlando World Center Marriott, Orlando, Fla.

Visit https://www.resnet.us/blog/conferences/2013-orlando-florida/ to view the full article online.

RCI International Convention & Trade Show, Rosen Shingle Resort, Orlando, Fla.

Visit http://www.rci-online.org/ to view the full article online.


"Introduction to Air Barriers" provides an overview of the performance requirements of air barrier materials, assemblies, and systems, and includes a discussion on relevant building code requirements. This course AIA and state credits and qualifies for HSW. Please check course specifications for all available credit and details: www.aecdaily.com/sponsor/abaa

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
11 Hope Rd, Ste 111 #308 | Stafford, VA 22554