SPFA Training & Certification

>>Company Accreditation Marks to Be Displayed in SPFA Directory

Contractor Companies and Supplier Companies who earn the SPFA PCP Accreditation will have the Accredited Company Mark displayed in the SPFA Directory next to their company listing.
The deadline for having it printed in the upcoming directory is June 29, 2015. You still have time to finish up the Accredited Company requirements Please review all details on our website:
Contractor Company Accreditation
Supplier Company Accreditation

For more information or questions, please contact Kelly Cook Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.

>>Training Dates
For upcoming training dates, please visit www.sprayfoam.org. Some of the May sessions are listed below:
May 19-22Spray Foam Nation West Haven, CT
May 19-22 General Coatings Fresno, CA
To learn more about SPFA PCP, please contact Kelly Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.