Take a Tour of the Field Exam Area

If you want to know what Field Exams are all about, there is one more day of tours left! On Tuesday, Feb. 9, you can visit the Field Exam Set-up area and learn about the process. To visit the Field Exam area, please go to the Registration Table for the Field Exams in the Rosen Centre parking lot. Visitors must sign in, wear a special nametag and be escorted around the site by designated PCP personnel. (Remaining Field Exam hours: Tuesday, Feb. 9, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Be sure to thank the sponsors who have made the field exams possible.  

>>Thanks to these generous suppliers who donated material, equipment and supplies. 

>>Click here to see sponsors who made FREE Field Exams a reality with their scholarship.

Click here for details on the FREE Field Exams.