The Tolerance Zone
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#Support229 #DigSafe


The ORCGA and the City of Toronto continue to take a leadership role to work, influence and progress change, and is pleased to be hosting the Dig Safe: Construction Safety in the GTA event on April 13, 2018, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. being held in Toronto City Hall Council Chamber.

More than 250 decision-makers, leaders and managers, and damage prevention professionals will attend from the City of Toronto Water, Transportation, Engineering, Legal, Purchasing and HR; York, Peel and Durham regions; Gas/Oil Distribution, Electric Distribution and Transmission and Telecommunications utilities; General contractors, construction firms and related associations.

Contact Jennifer at or 905.328.7063 for more info.

The Trenchless Technology Road Show (TRS) 2018 will be held in London, Ontario, from Tuesday, May 15 to Thursday, May 17. This is Canada’s largest trenchless technologies conference and trade show.

Just north of Aurora, The Club at Bond Head offers two great courses: The South Course is links-style, with wide fairways and fescue rough. The parkland-style North Course features dramatic elevation changes and views.

Sponsorship and registration will be available late April 2018. See you on the greens!


Damage prevention management professionals and decision-makers from across Canada, including stakeholder groups such as telecommunications, oil and gas, municipalities, emergency management, electrical transmission, surveyors and federal regulators will be in attendance.

The Event Program

Symposium Photos

Symposium Presentations

All are now posted online for review.

The Education and Events Committee is already looking forward to the 2019 ORCGA Damage Prevention Symposium!

DIRT Reporting

The Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) has been collecting underground damage data since 2005 to better understand the root causes that lead to these events and to develop and target public awareness plans to minimize the risk of future events.

The 2017 DIRT Report was released and posted online on March 16, 2018; in addition, the DIRT Report was mailed to all members.


Introducing the ORCGA's official email newsletter: The Tolerance Zone. The Tolerance Zone is a newsletter designed to share Dig Safe info, ORCGA news, events, announcements and member-generated content.

Be sure to watch for our upcoming issues! To ensure proper receipt of your member communications, read more here

Interested in submitting content for the next issue of The Tolerance Zone? Contact Jennifer at or 905.328.7063.

Want to advertise? Check out our media kits online!

Naylor Association Solutions

The ORCGA has been very proud to serve the province of Ontario in promoting Damage Prevention and DigSafe! The ORCGA is looking forward to the next 15 years!

If you are looking to make contributions to the Damage Prevention industry through Best Practices, Reporting and Evaluation or Events and Education, the ORCGA Committees are looking for your input!

Contact Jennifer at or 905.328.7063.