The Guidelines for the Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers is Now Available from TAPPI Press

In the tissue making process, the safe operation of the Yankee dryer is crucial. Guidelines for the Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers, a new release from TAPPI Press, is a project of the Yankee Dryer Safety & Reliability Committee that provides both general and specific guidelines for the safe and reliable operation and maintenance of Yankee dryer assets.

This report is an updated combination of Guidelines for Safety and Condition Assessment (1992) and Guidelines for the Safe Operation of Yankee Dryers (1995), the most commonly used references on Yankee safety and operations guidelines in the tissue industry. It provides updated guidelines relative to steel Yankee dryers, as well as new learnings and recommendations for cast iron Yankee dryers.

The committee sectioned the report into Engineering and Design, Maintenance and Repair, Operating Guidelines, and Personnel Safety, and used color throughout the publication to emphasize critical diagrams, photos and tables.

Guidelines for Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers covers inspection techniques, how to organize a Yankee safety program, the applicable ASME codes and how to manage Yankee-related events.

Guidelines is a must have-resource for the Yankee Responsible Person (YRP), municipal officials that make onsite inspections, and insurance carriers that cover Yankee dryers.

Recently John Holton, the book’s editor, was interviewed as part of the TAPPI Press Virtual Book Launch Party. During the interview, Holton talked about the importance of the YRP. “Most mills have a Yankee Responsible Person because if you don’t, then no one is responsible. And the Yankee dryer is a critical asset. Very few people have spares, and then it’s only the big corporations that do. So if you lose the asset, whether you have a spare or not, it can be catastrophic.”  Watch the interview to see what he had to say about the book.

Guidelines for the Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers is available in print or eBook format. As always, TAPPI members receive preferred pricing.