How are You Sharing Your Forest Products Research? TAPPI Journal Can Help.

The sharing of research is vital to the evolution cycle of the forest products industry. When considering how best to disseminate your research and advance your R&D efforts TAPPI Journal (TJ). For nearly 70 years, TJ’s distinguished editorial board of academic and industry experts have maintained a stringent peer-review process, working cohesively to disseminate scientific and engineering information to advance the industry.

You are invited to submit your research to TJ to reach a global audience of colleagues, peers and employers. If your work is published in TJ, the copyright remains with you, and unlike other technical journals, TJ does not require a publication fee.

TJ’s hybrid-Open Access (OA) publishing model provides TAPPI members’ exclusive first access to the latest year’s research online at no charge, while non-members pay a fee for current articles as before. At the one-year anniversary of an article’s publication, nonmembers gain access to the research at no charge.

AS an added bonus, your paper could be named the TAPPI Journal Best Research Paper of the Year AND the first ever recipient of the $2,000 Honghi Tran TAPPI Journal Best Paper Prize which will be presented at TAPPICon, April 25-28, 2021.

Submit your research now.