Engineers Working on Yankee Dryers Have a New, Practical Reference

The TAPPI Yankee Dryer Safety & Reliability Committee surveyed Yankee dryer manufacturers and determined that almost 1,600 Yankee dryers were delivered to papermakers between 1970-2014 and 45% of those that were supplied from 2010 -2014 were produced from iron castings; 55% were produced from welded steel.

The committee took this into consideration and produced Guidelines for Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers, an updated combination of Guidelines for Safety and Condition Assessment (1992) and Guidelines for the Safe Operation of Yankee Dryers (1995), the most commonly used references on Yankee safety and operations guidelines in the tissue industry. This new edition provides updated guidelines relative to steel Yankee dryers, as well as new learnings and recommendations for cast iron Yankee dryers. 

Guidelines for Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers provides both general and specific guidelines for the safe and reliable operation and maintenance of Yankee dryer assets. The editors used color throughout the publication to emphasize critical diagrams, photos and tables.

The book is sectioned into Engineering and Design, Maintenance and Repair, Operating Guidelines, and Personnel Safety. Guidelines covers inspection techniques, how to organize a Yankee safety program, the applicable ASME codes and how to manage Yankee related events.

Learn more and order your copy now.