PEFC Outlines Important Modern Reasons to Obtain Forest Certification

Consumers and public and private organizations alike are increasingly requesting forest products from sustainably managed forests.

But how can they be sure about the origin of the products they buy?
The answer is PEFC Chain of Custody certification.

PEFC forest certification demonstrates that forests are sustainably managed. But there are many steps of processing before a product reaches consumers. PEFC Chain of Custody certification tracks certified products from the forest through the entire supply chain, giving certified companies and consumers peace of mind about the origin of the forest products.
Why get PEFC Chain of Custody certification?
According to a recent survey, 70% of consumers think that companies should use PEFC certification to demonstrate that the wood they are using originates from legal and sustainable sources.

PEFC Chain of Custody certification allows you to:
PEFC Chain of Custody certification is available for all companies buying and selling forest products. To find out more how to get certified, contact your local PEFC office or PEFC International.