How are Your Spare Parts, Materials and Inventory Managed?

Improving how you manage the spare parts and materials in your organization can reduce maintenance costs and time.

Maintenance materials are a large part of any plant’s operating costs and not having what is needed, when it is needed, impacts productivity, reliability, morale and the bottom line.

TAPPI's partnership with IDCON delivers a training course designed to help improve your mill's parts and inventory management.

Materials and Spare Parts Management

February 11-12 |Raleigh, NC

Learn how to reduce maintenance costs, time, and parts inventory through better decision making and by developing effective work processes.

This reliability-based Spare Parts and Materials Management Course is a unique seminar that provides real solutions to materials management and inventory problems. You’ll take away knowledge and tools to dramatically improve your spare parts and supplies management.

Register Now –

IDCON registration is priced at $989 per student per course, which includes all materials, lunches and breaks.Review the Course Outline (PDF).

Coming up in March...

Equipment Reliability Week

March 18-22 |Raleigh, NC

Topics include building partnerships to support equipment reliability, selecting the right maintenance method for optimizing equipment reliability, developing a Preventive Maintenance pilot and more. Limited to only 30 attendees.