Hiring? Dip Into a Top Talent Pool

Dip Into a Top Talent Pool; Recruit at TAPPI-PIMA Student Summit

Looking for new employees, interns or co-op candidates?  Take your recruiting efforts to the next level at the TAPPI-PIMA Student Summit, January 18-21 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with 200 of the brightest students from paper, engineering and packaging programs by hosting an interview table or sponsoring the event.

What is the Student Summit? It's the industry’s only event that brings together students from paper and packaging schools and reinforces their interest in seeking a career in pulp, paper, packaging, and allied industries. TAPPI’s Student Summit offers students the occasion to interact with their peers from other schools, expand their learning through technical sessions, meet with business leaders, and interview with companies seeking to hire the best and brightest.

Why sponsor or interview at Student Summit? You’ll save on recruiting expenses while maximizing your exposure to a highly qualified, industry-specific talent pool. Let the Student Summit help establish your company as an industry leader to these future professionals and you’ll stand out from the crowd of other potential employers.

See how the TAPPI-PIMA Student Summit can get your company noticed. Go to tappistudentsummit.org for more information, or contact Shane Holt at +352-333-3345 or sholt@naylor.com.

Looking for a place to advertise your available positions year-round? The TAPPI Industry Career Center provides access to a variety of services and opportunities for attracting and recruiting outstanding professionals with a minimum of expenditure of time and resources. Visit us today at careers.tappi.org.
