Michelman to Showcase New High Performance Label Technology

Michelman, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, will introduce visitors at Dscoop’s Unleashing Print™ Conference, March 25-28 in Dallas, Texas, USA, to its newest suite of pre- and post-print solutions for the HP Indigo Pack Ready for Labels. These new products will enable press owners to tap into the burgeoning high-performance label printing market, including segments such as personal care products and household chemicals. 

Designed in close collaboration with HP, Michelman’s new DigiPrime® primers and DigiGuard® overprint varnishes and strengthener allow users to achieve higher levels of water, thermal, mechanical, and chemical resistance.
According to Jan Denies, global industry manager for Michelman Printing & Packaging, "our newest technologies are allowing HP Indigo press owners to move into high performance, and highly demanding label printing applications. This significantly increases the addressable market size."
Denies will be presenting at the conference, demonstrating how press owners can capture new markets with high performance label technology.  He will be speaking at 2:15 PM and again at 4:00 PM on Monday, March 26, 2018. at the event being held March 25-28 in Dallas, Texas.
More information about Michelman and its DigiPrime primers and DigiGuard overprint varnishes and strengthener is available online.
