Explore the Future of Flexible Packaging at TAPPI’s 2018 Conference

Discover the future at TAPPI’s International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division Conference (formerly PLACE Division), April 22-25, 2018, in Charlotte, N.C., USA, where illuminating panel discussions, presentations, and sessions will offer a glimpse of what’s to come in the flexible packaging industry.
One highlight includes the presentation of the bi-annual Daniel Siegel Memorial Scholarship. This $4,000 stipend will be awarded to one deserving TAPPI Student Chapter member enrolled in a packaging or related major. Endowed by Mica Corp. and the Siegel family, scholarship applicants must demonstrate an interest in the technological areas covered by TAPPI’s flexible packaging and extrusion Division. To learn more, visit the website and download the application form
There will be many informative panels and sessions at the conference, but attendance at the interactive ones are "musts," including the highly anticipated Future of Flexible Packaging presentation and panel discussion. Rory Wolf of ITW Pillar Technologies moderates this session where findings of a new, TAPPI-sponsored Nielsen research study gauging consumer preferences will be presented. From brand owner to raw materials, the information will prove valuable in planning for future innovations. Afterward, a panel discussion and audience Q&A session will follow. 
Additional sessions include an eCommerce end users panel, new and novel materials, advancements in machinery, materials and processing, and sustainability. There is also a New Technology Showcase where new products and solutions are shared in a reception-style venue. After the Showcase, attendees can meet face-to-face with representatives from various organizations at the Tabletop Reception
Register for the Conference by March 23, 2018, and save with the early-bird discount. 
