Survey Finds 89% Plan to Send Holiday Cards This Year

The holiday season is officially here. People are planning their lists and beginning to look for gift ideas for family and friends. Does this still include sending an annual holiday card? With everything increasingly becoming more digital, The Stationery Studio, Buffalo Grove, Ill., USA, wanted to know if sending holiday cards is still relevant in 2017.   

The Stationery Studio conducted a survey in October 2017 using SurveyMonkey and received 417 responses. The first question asked if respondents were planning to send holiday cards this year and 89% answered yes.

Seeing the trend in photo cards, the next question asked what kind of cards are you planning on sending. Custom printed with photo(s) was the biggest response (49% of respondents) followed by pre-printed (boxed or individual) at 35%.

In the survey, The Stationery Studio asked other questions (see composite graph below) to learn more about people's perceptions and reasons for sending or not sending holiday cards.  

According to the Greeting Card Association, the most popular seasonal cards are Christmas cards, with some 1.6 billion units purchased (including boxed cards). So while people may have seen a decline in holiday cards in their mailbox, people still feel sending holiday cards is relevant. "Sending holiday cards is still a wonderful way to stay connected to family and friends," says Renee Redman, president of The Stationery Studio. "Now more than ever, a holiday card is appreciated in the digital age we live in."  

The Stationery Studio is an industry leader in premier online personalized stationery and carries more than 15,000 unique products.