SIG Combibloc Digital Solution Monitors Carton Supply Chain, Quality Process

SIG Combibloc, Switzerland, a solution provider for the food and beverage industry, in partnership with Languiru, Rio Grande do Sul's (Brazil) second largest production cooperative, is launching an unprecedented digital solution. This solution provides transparency for quality and food safety, optimizes production processes, and enables personalized digital marketing promotions.

The project started with the launch of the Languiru "Qualidade do início ao Fim" ("Quality from Beginning to End") dairy line. The filled aseptic carton packs from SIG Combibloc are printed with individual and unique QR codes at the time of production. In addition, the trays are printed with unique QR codes; the pallets with barcodes. This provides a convenient digital solution to monitor the supply chain and the quality process from the collection of raw material up to the milk's industrialization and commercialization via a single platform. It ensures operational traceability from the raw product to the point of sale. This means that Languiru can prove the quality of their products to consumers in a fast, practical, and accessible way.

Using this new digital solution, Languiru can locate every single packaged product at any point in the supply chain, whether for quality crosscheck or for recalls (if necessary), resulting in greater value and protection of its brands.

To provide further convenience to consumers, when the QR codes are read they are automatically directed to the website relevant for the product inside that packaging. The website is an integral part of this SIG solution and contains information on the customer's quality system, the product and the production process, as well as an interactive interface.

"The launch of this new digital platform represents our response to three consumer mega-trends: connectivity - consumers are increasingly aware and want to receive information anywhere at any time; authenticity and trust - through total transparency of quality information, food safety, and procedures to prevent fraud; and finally, natural products with a certificate of origin that are free from chemicals and genetically modified crops, among other things," said Ricardo Rodriguez, president and GM of SIG Combibloc Americas.

The advantages of this new technology, to be exported to more than 65 countries supplied by SIG, include the fact that it also maintains the control and management of production lines. This maximizes the plant's overall efficiency and cuts operational and investment costs by means of a specific information intelligence tool known as Power BI.

The unique QR codes also allow the simplification and customization of promotions, such as those developed for a specific chain of supermarkets or in a specific region of the country. For this type of campaign, SIG has developed a unique application that will allow the development of rich databases for marketing and sales analysis.

Packaging with QR Code will be available for the following Languiru products: UHT whole milk, skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk, zero lactose milk, and UHT chocolate milk. The packages have an ergonomic and modern shape. The screw cap allows for opening in a single twist and closes perfectly. The visible seal still offers high security against tampering.

A proprietary application connected to the MES (Manufacturing Execution System) was developed to track the product in the supply chain. Inside the factory, the information is collected via interfaces with the client's ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning), data entries, tablets, and data collectors. RFID technology is used to incorporate quality information from the packaging.

The platform developed by SIG is open, enabling connection to equipment from different suppliers. The interfaces are efficient both for capturing information and for performing process data analysis to optimize manufacturing efficiencies and reduce operating and investment costs. QR codes are printed with antifraud paint. 

"We have no doubt that from now on we will have a greater competitive advantage within the market compared with many other brands. The new technology enables us to offer differentiated products. Our consumers are able to trace the origin of the products right to the shelf," said Dirceu Bayer, president of Languiru. "Besides that, we benefit from detailed end-to-end value chain performance monitoring, which will support us to continuously improve operations and logistics. SIG understood our demands and developed a tailor-made product for Languiru specifically to demonstrate this quality and thus add value to our brand".

Languiru is the second largest production cooperative in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and has approximately 6,100 associates and 2,800 employees. The company achieved a gross revenue of 1,254 million Reais (about EUR 340 million) in 2016, a growth of 10.3%.