CENIBRA to Install New Valmet Bleach Plant at Belo Oriente Mill in Brazil

CENIBRA, Brazil, has ordered a new Valmet, Finland, bleach plant for its pulp mill in Belo Oriente, Brazil. The new plant will have the capacity to produce 500,000 metric tpy of pulp. Startup is scheduled for April 2018. A typical value for this scope of supply is around EUR 30-50 million, according to Valmet.

The n The bleach plant renewal, utilizing the most advanced existing washer technology, is part of CENIBRA's project for fiberline modernization.

"During the years, CENIBRA has searched the balance between production activities and environmental performance, looking for the process improvement of pulp production through implementation of environmentally sustainable projects and technological innovations, for this new bleach plant," said Industrial Director and Technician Róbinson Félix from CENIBRA.

"By upgrading individual key process parts in chemical pulping to latest technology, it is possible to reach significant reductions in environmental impacts, and at the same time, increase the performance of the production process. We are very pleased that CENIBRA appreciates our bleach plant technology and that we got their confidence to deliver this important project," said Stefan Mattson, VP, Fiber Processing, Valmet.

Celulose Nipo-Brasileira S.A. - CENIBRA is one of the biggest world producers of bleached eucalyptus pulp (hardwood). Their annual production is approximately 1,200,000 metric tons, which more than 90% is exported for external market. CENIBRA operates in 54 municipalities of Minas Gerais state. Since July 2002, CENIBRA produces only ECF (elemental chlorine free) pulp. 
