Yankee Dryer Safety and Reliability Committee Spring Meeting

The spring 2017 Yankee Dryer Safety and Reliability Committee spring meeting will be held at the Hyatt Minneapolis Downtown (Minneapolis, Minn., USA) in Lake Superior A room on April 27. Please note that, while this event is on the last day of PaperCon, separate registration is required. TAPPI members can attend at no charge; visitors may attend one time as a guest. Contact Scott Springmier for more information.
Registration is open for the spring and fall 2017 meetings and links are available on the Yankee Dryer Safety and Reliability Committee page. The spring meeting agenda is available there as well as on TAPPI Connect. 
The committee is excited to be holding two Tech Talks at the spring meeting this year. The first talk will center on Water Chemistry Steel Yankee and is sponsored by ChemTrea. The second talk will focus on Grinding/Metalizing and is sponsored by Andritz. Please join us for a day of enlightening talks and valuable discussions as we bring together the Yankee Dryer Safety and Reliability Committee members.
