UPM Biofuels Joins the Made by Finland Campaign

UPM Biofuels (Finland) this week announced the company has joined the Made by Finland campaign – shared between the Association for Finnish Work, its members, and partner organizations that together celebrate the centenary of Finland. The campaign calls for all Finns to discuss their own work and to share their stories of Finnish work.

"We joined this campaign because we are proud of our Finnish origins and the fact that our star product, low emission UPM BioVerno diesel, is a Finnish innovation. The production process was developed in the UPM Lappeenranta Research Center and the fuel is produced in UPM’s Lappeenranta Biorefinery. Wood-based UPM BioVerno diesel was granted a Finnish flag – only given to products produced in Finland – when production started in 2015," said Sari Mannonen, VP of UPM Biofuels.

"Finland’s well-being is built on work, and we believe that work will also help to build our prosperity for the next one hundred years. In Finland, wonderful, significant, and valued work is carried out in many fields and through many varying tasks. This, if anything, is worth highlighting and celebrating," stated Managing Director of the Association for Finnish Work Tero Lausala.

The campaign will be launched with the Seuraavat Sata Yuotta (Following One Hundred Years) film, directed by Klaus Härön, which tells four stories on the future of Finnish work through children’s dreams. Just what can we achieve if we are persistent enough and have belief in our own abilities? What kind of innovations can we develop, when we are able to each bear a share of the burden and act responsibly, while helping each other and working together?

"Looking towards the future, the film brings out the child’s perspective, as well as the persistence and the act of being bothered enough to do something with which current and future problems can be solved successfully," said Director Klaus Härö. The film has been made in collaboration with Ivalo Creative Agency and Otto Tuotanto Oy.
