AR Packaging Acquires Maju Jaya Sarana Grafika

AR Packaging Group AB, Sweden, has signed a partnership deal with Maju Jaya Sarana Grafika (MJSG), Indonesia, and acquired a majority stake in the company. Adrian Koesnendar, CEO and co-owner of MJSG, will continue to own the remaining shares.

MJSC is one of Indonesia's leading packaging companies, with many clients in the food and tobacco industry. It has production sites in Bekasi and Semarang, in Java.

"We are very satisfied to have found such a competent partner in Maju Jaya," said Peter Aichhorn, COO Branded Products for AR Packaging. "We have worked very closely with the company in recent months and we are convinced that, together, we will be able to provide the best possible service to both our local and multi-national customers, going forward."

Maju Jaya CEO Adrian Koesnendar added that "becoming a member of AR Packaging will strengthen our commitment and capabilities to serve the customers in the best way. Access to new innovations and technologies will enable us to compete on the global market."